Affective events theory HM Weiss, R Cropanzano Research in organizational behavior 18 (1), 1-74, 1996 | 8599 | 1996 |
Organizational behavior: Affect in the workplace AP Brief, HM Weiss Annual review of psychology 53 (1), 279-307, 2002 | 3639 | 2002 |
Deconstructing job satisfaction: Separating evaluations, beliefs and affective experiences HM Weiss Human resource management review 12 (2), 173-194, 2002 | 3601 | 2002 |
An episodic process model of affective influences on performance. DJ Beal, HM Weiss, E Barros, SM MacDermid Journal of Applied psychology 90 (6), 1054, 2005 | 1470 | 2005 |
Job attitudes, job satisfaction, and job affect: A century of continuity and of change. TA Judge, HM Weiss, JD Kammeyer-Mueller, CL Hulin Journal of applied psychology 102 (3), 356, 2017 | 1435 | 2017 |
Effects of justice conditions on discrete emotions. HM Weiss, K Suckow, R Cropanzano Journal of applied Psychology 84 (5), 786, 1999 | 1138 | 1999 |
Personality and organizational behavior. HM Weiss, S Adler Research in organizational behavior, 1984 | 858 | 1984 |
A within-person approach to work behavior and performance: Concurrent and lagged citizenship-counterproductivity associations, and dynamic relationships with affect and overall … RS Dalal, H Lam, HM Weiss, ER Welch, CL Hulin Academy of Management Journal 52 (5), 1051-1066, 2009 | 813 | 2009 |
An examination of the joint effects of affective experiences and job beliefs on job satisfaction and variations in affective experiences over time HM Weiss, JP Nicholas, CS Daus Organizational behavior and human decision processes 78 (1), 1-24, 1999 | 788 | 1999 |
Making the break count: An episodic examination of recovery activities, emotional experiences, and positive affective displays JP Trougakos, DJ Beal, SG Green, HM Weiss Academy of Management journal 51 (1), 131-146, 2008 | 647 | 2008 |
Methods of ecological momentary assessment in organizational research DJ Beal, HM Weiss Organizational Research Methods 6 (4), 440-464, 2003 | 599 | 2003 |
Affective events and the development of leader-member exchange R Cropanzano, MT Dasborough, HM Weiss Academy of management review 42 (2), 233-258, 2017 | 564 | 2017 |
Subordinate imitation of supervisor behavior: The role of modeling in organizational socialization HM Weiss Organizational behavior and human performance 19 (1), 89-105, 1977 | 555 | 1977 |
Ambiguous absence, ambiguous presence: a qualitative study of military reserve families in wartime. AJ Faber, E Willerton, SR Clymer, SM MacDermid, HM Weiss Journal of Family Psychology 22 (2), 222, 2008 | 533 | 2008 |
Reflections on affective events theory HM Weiss, DJ Beal The effect of affect in organizational settings 1, 1-21, 2005 | 448 | 2005 |
Episodic processes in emotional labor: perceptions of affective delivery and regulation strategies. DJ Beal, JP Trougakos, HM Weiss, SG Green Journal of applied psychology 91 (5), 1053, 2006 | 439 | 2006 |
Social learning of work values in organizations. HM Weiss Journal of applied psychology 63 (6), 711, 1978 | 438 | 1978 |
Learning theory and industrial and organizational psychology. HM Weiss Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology 1, 1990 | 372 | 1990 |
The structure of affect: Reconsidering the relationship between negative and positive affectivity R Cropanzano, HM Weiss, JMS Hale, J Reb Journal of management 29 (6), 831-857, 2003 | 365 | 2003 |
Experiencing work: An essay on a person-centric work psychology HM Weiss, DE Rupp Industrial and Organizational Psychology 4 (1), 83-97, 2011 | 349 | 2011 |