Ayşe Muhammetoğlu
Ayşe Muhammetoğlu
Çevre Mühendisliği Profesörü, Akdeniz Üniversitesi
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Implementation of Hydraulic Modelling for Water-Loss Reduction Through Pressure Management
IE Karadirek, S Kara, G Yilmaz, A Muhammetoglu, H Muhammetoglu
Water Resour Manage 26, 2555-2568, 2012
A three-dimensional water quality-macrophyte interaction model for shallow lakes
AB Muhammetoğlu, S Soyupak
Ecological Modelling 133 (3), 161-180, 2000
A Fuzzy Logic Approach to Assess Groundwater Pollution Levels Below Agricultural Fields
A Muhammetoglu, A Yardımcı
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 118, 337-354, 2006
Full-Scale PAT Application for Energy Production & Pressure Reduction in a Water Distribution Network
A Muhammetoglu, IE Karadirek, O Ozen, H Muhammetoglu
A.S.C.E. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 2017
Hydraulic Modeling of a Water Distribution Network in a Tourism Area with Highly Varying Characteristics
S Kara, İE Karadirek, A Muhammetoglu, H Muhammetoglu
Procedia Engineering 162, 521-529, 2016
Impact Assessment of Different Management Scenarios on Water Quality of Porsuk River and Dam System – Turkey
A Muhammetoglu, H Muhammetoglu, S Oktas, L Ozgokcen, S Soyupak
International Journal of Water Resources Management 19 (2), 199-210, 2005
Evaluation of eutrophication control strategies for the Keban Dam Reservoir
S Soyupak, L Mukhallalati, D Yemişen, A Bayar, C Yurteri
Ecological Modelling 97, 99-110, 1997
Management Of Chlorine Dosing Rates In Urban Water Distribution Networks Using Online Continuous Monitoring and Modeling
İE Karadirek, S Kara, A Muhammetoglu, H Muhammetoglu, S Soyupak
Urban Water Journal 13 (4), 345-359, 2016
Management of water losses in water supply and distribution networks in Turkey
B Selek, A Adıgüzel, Ö İritaş, Y Karaaslan, C Kınacı, A Muhammetoğlu, ...
Turkish Journal of Water Science and Management 2 (1), 58-75, 2018
Application of environmental impact quotient model to Kumluca region, Turkey to determine environmental impacts of pesticides
A Muhammetoglu, B Uslu
Water Science and Technology 56 (1), 139-145, 2007
Real time monitoring and control in water distribution systems for improving operational efficiency
S Kara, İE Karadirek, A Muhammetoglu, H Muhammetoglu
Desalination and Water Treatment 57 (25), 11506-11519, 2016
Evaluation of Performance and Environmental Benefits of a Full Scale Pump as Turbine System in Antalya Water Distribution Network
A Muhammetoglu, C Nursen, IE Karadirek, H Muhammetoglu
Water Science and Technology-Water Supply 18 (1), 130-141, 2018
Prediction of wastewater dilution and indicator bacteria concentrations for marine outfall systems
A Muhammetoglu, OB Yalçın, T Ozcan
Marine Environmental Research 78, 53-63, 2012
Evaluation of the Environmental Impact of Pesticides by Application of Three Risk Indicators
A Muhammetoglu, S Durmaz, B Uslu
Environmental Forensics 11 (1-2), 179-186, 2010
Vulnerability of groundwater to pollution from agricultural diffuse sources: a case study
H Muhammetoğlu, A Muhammetoğlu, S Soyupak
Water Science and Technology 45 (9), 1-7, 2002
The Occurrence of Trihalomethanes in Chlorinated Groundwaters with Very Low Natural Organic Matter and Bromide Concentrations
M Kitis, N Yigit, B Harman, H Muhammetoglu, A Muhammetoglu, ...
Environmental Forensics 11 (3), 264-274, 2010
İçme suyu temin ve dağıtım sistemlerindeki su kayıplarının kontrolü el kitabı
H Muhammetoğlu, A Muhammetoğlu
Orman ve Su İşleri Bakanlığı–Su Yönetimi Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara, 2017
Significance of validation for karst aquifers’ vulnerability assessments: Antalya Travertine Plateau (Turkey) application
A Amil, P Avcı, A Çil, A Muhammetoğlu, NN Özyurt
Journal of contaminant hydrology 228, 103557, 2020
A combined approach for the estimation of groundwater leaching potential and environmental impacts of pesticides for agricultural lands
ST Dugan, A Muhammetoglu, A Uslu
Science of The Total Environment 901, 165892, 2023
Assessment of Nitrogen Excess in an Agricultural Area Using a Nitrogen Balance Approach
H Muhammetoglu, A Muhammetoglu, S Soyupak
Water Science and Technology 51 (3-4), 259-266, 2005
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Articles 1–20