Juliette N. Rooney-Varga
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Cited by
Microbial communities associated with anaerobic benzene degradation in a petroleum-contaminated aquifer
JN Rooney-Varga, RT Anderson, JL Fraga, D Ringelberg, DR Lovley
Applied and environmental microbiology 65 (7), 3056-3063, 1999
Anaerobic benzene oxidation in the Fe (III) reduction zone of petroleum-contaminated aquifers
RT Anderson, JN Rooney-Varga, CV Gaw, DR Lovley
Environmental Science & Technology 32 (9), 1222-1229, 1998
Links between phytoplankton and bacterial community dynamics in a coastal marine environment
JN Rooney-Varga, MW Giewat, MC Savin, S Sood, M LeGresley, ...
Microbial ecology 49, 163-175, 2005
Phylogenetic Diversity and Specificity of Bacteria Closely Associated with Alexandrium spp. and Other Phytoplankton
S Jasti, ME Sieracki, NJ Poulton, MW Giewat, JN Rooney-Varga
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 71 (7), 3483-3494, 2005
Does replacing coal with wood lower CO2 emissions? Dynamic lifecycle analysis of wood bioenergy
JD Sterman, L Siegel, JN Rooney-Varga
Environmental Research Letters 13 (1), 015007, 2018
Molecular Phylogenetic and Biogeochemical Studies of Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria in the Rhizosphere ofSpartina alterniflora
ME Hines, RS Evans, BR Sharak Genthner, SG Willis, S Friedman, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 65 (5), 2209-2216, 1999
Relationships between soil organic matter, nutrients, bacterial community structure, and the performance of microbial fuel cells
SJ Dunaj, JJ Vallino, ME Hines, M Gay, C Kobyljanec, JN Rooney-Varga
Environmental Science & Technology 46 (3), 1914-1922, 2012
Uncoupling of acetate degradation from methane formation in Alaskan wetlands: Connections to vegetation distribution
ME Hines, KN Duddleston, JN Rooney‐Varga, D Fields, JP Chanton
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 22 (2), 2008
Plankton diversity in the Bay of Fundy as measured by morphological and molecular methods
MC Savin, JL Martin, M LeGresley, M Giewat, J Rooney-Varga
Microbial ecology 48, 51-65, 2004
Seasonal changes in the relative abundance of uncultivated sulfate-reducing bacteria in a salt marsh sediment and in the rhizosphere of Spartina alterniflora
JN Rooney-Varga, R Devereux, RS Evans, ME Hines
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 63 (10), 3895-3901, 1997
World climate: A role-play simulation of climate negotiations
J Sterman, T Franck, T Fiddaman, A Jones, S McCauley, P Rice, E Sawin, ...
Simulation & Gaming 46 (3-4), 348-382, 2015
Links between archaeal community structure, vegetation type and methanogenic pathway in Alaskan peatlands
JN Rooney-Varga, MW Giewat, KN Duddleston, JP Chanton, ME Hines
FEMS Microbiology Ecology 60 (2), 240-251, 2007
Stimulation of Alexandrium fundyense growth by bacterial assemblages from the Bay of Fundy
M Ferrier, JL Martin, JN Rooney‐Varga
Journal of Applied Microbiology 92 (4), 706-716, 2002
The climate action simulation
JN Rooney-Varga, F Kapmeier, JD Sterman, AP Jones, M Putko, K Rath
Simulation & Gaming 51 (2), 114-140, 2020
Combining role-play with interactive simulation to motivate informed climate action: Evidence from the World Climate simulation
JN Rooney-Varga, JD Sterman, E Fracassi, T Franck, F Kapmeier, ...
PloS one 13 (8), e0202877, 2018
Addressing climate change through education
TS Ledley, J Rooney-Varga, F Niepold
Oxford research encyclopedia of environmental science, 2017
Student media production to meet challenges in climate change science education
JN Rooney-Varga, AA Brisk, E Adams, M Shuldman, K Rath
Journal of Geoscience Education 62 (4), 598-608, 2014
Impacts of single‐walled carbon nanotubes on microbial community structure in activated sludge
D Goyal, XJ Zhang, JN Rooney‐Varga
Letters in applied microbiology 51 (4), 428-435, 2010
Phylogenetic and physiological diversity of sulphate-reducing bacteria isolated from a salt marsh sediment
JN Rooney-Varga, BRS Genthner, R Devereux, SG Willis, SD Friedman, ...
Systematic and applied microbiology 21 (4), 557-568, 1998
Microbial community diversity in the phycosphere of natural populations of the toxic alga, Alexandrium fundyense
Y Hasegawa, JL Martin, MW Giewat, JN Rooney‐Varga
Environmental Microbiology 9 (12), 3108-3121, 2007
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Articles 1–20