William C. McDowell
William C. McDowell
Daveler and Kauanui School of Entrepreneurship, Florida Gulf Coast University
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Cited by
Essential new PLS-SEM analysis methods for your entrepreneurship analytical toolbox
SC Manley, JF Hair, RI Williams, WC McDowell
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 17, 1805-1825, 2021
Building small firm performance through intellectual capital development: Exploring innovation as the “black box”
WC McDowell, WO Peake, LA Coder, ML Harris
Journal of business research 88, 321-327, 2018
Revisiting entrepreneurial intentions: a social cognitive career theory approach
EW Liguori, JS Bendickson, WC McDowell
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 14, 67-78, 2018
The impact of leadership on small business innovativeness
TC Dunne, JR Aaron, WC McDowell, DJ Urban, PR Geho
Journal of Business Research 69 (11), 4876-4881, 2016
Development of a multi-dimensional measure for assessing entrepreneurial ecosystems
E Liguori, J Bendickson, S Solomon, WC McDowell
Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 31 (1-2), 7-21, 2019
A comparative study of Internet addiction between the United States and China
L Zhang, C Amos, WC McDowell
CyberPsychology & Behavior 11 (6), 727-729, 2008
An examination of retail website design and conversion rate
WC McDowell, RC Wilson, CO Kile Jr
Journal of Business Research 69 (11), 4837-4842, 2016
Am I really at risk? Determinants of online users' intentions to use strong passwords
L Zhang, WC McDowell
Journal of Internet Commerce 8 (3-4), 180-197, 2009
Entrepreneurial motivation: a non-entrepreneur’s journey to become an entrepreneur
RV Mahto, WC McDowell
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 14, 513-526, 2018
The effect of deoxymannojirimycin on the processing of the influenza viral glycoproteins
AD Elbein, G Legler, A Tlusty, W McDowell, R Schwarz
Archives of biochemistry and biophysics 235 (2), 579-588, 1984
In vitro and in vivo evaluation of cysteine rebridged trastuzumab–MMAE antibody drug conjugates with defined drug-to-antibody ratios
P Bryant, M Pabst, G Badescu, M Bird, W McDowell, E Jamieson, ...
Molecular pharmaceutics 12 (6), 1872-1879, 2015
Entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and human resources outsourcing (HRO): A “HERO” combination for SME performance
KC Irwin, KM Landay, JR Aaron, WC McDowell, LD Marino, PR Geho
Journal of business research 90, 134-140, 2018
Longevity in small business: The effect of maturity on strategic focus and business performance
WC McDowell, ML Harris, PR Geho
Journal of Business Research 69 (5), 1904-1908, 2016
The price of success: balancing the effects of entrepreneurial commitment, work-family conflict and emotional exhaustion on job satisfaction
WC McDowell, LM Matthews, RL Matthews, JR Aaron, DR Edmondson, ...
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 15, 1179-1192, 2019
The role of interorganizational trust and organizational efficacy in family and nonfamily firms
LJ Stanley, W McDowell
Journal of Family Business Strategy 5 (3), 264-275, 2014
Dissecting glycoprotein biosynthesis by the use of specific inhibitors
W McDowell, RT Schwarz
Biochimie 70 (11), 1535-1549, 1988
The role of innovation and knowledge for entrepreneurship and regional development
S Kraus, W McDowell, DE Ribeiro-Soriano, M Rodríguez-García
Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 33 (3-4), 175-184, 2021
Agency theory and entrepreneurship: A cross-country analysis
SJ Solomon, JS Bendickson, MR Marvel, WC McDowell, R Mahto
Journal of Business Research 122, 466-476, 2021
Staffing of small nonprofit organizations: A model for retaining employees
LA Slatten, JS Bendickson, M Diamond, WC McDowell
Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 6 (1), 50-57, 2021
Small business strategic management practices and performance: A configurational approach
RI Williams Jr, A Smith, J R Aaron, S C Manley, W C McDowell
Economic research-Ekonomska istraživanja 33 (1), 2378-2396, 2020
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Articles 1–20