Brian Ratchford
Brian Ratchford
Professor of Marketing UT Dallas
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Consumer information search revisited: Theory and empirical analysis
S Moorthy, BT Ratchford, D Talukdar
Journal of consumer research 23 (4), 263-277, 1997
An empirical test of a model of external search for automobiles
N Srinivasan, BT Ratchford
Journal of Consumer research 18 (2), 233-242, 1991
New Insights about the FCB grid.
BT Ratchford
Journal of advertising research, 1987
A model of consumer choice of the Internet as an information source
BT Ratchford, D Talukdar, MS Lee
International Journal of Electronic Commerce 5 (3), 7-21, 2001
The impact of the Internet on information search for automobiles
BT Ratchford, MS Lee, D Talukdar
Journal of Marketing research 40 (2), 193-209, 2003
Cost-benefit models for explaining consumer choice and information seeking behavior
BT Ratchford
Management Science 28 (2), 197-212, 1982
Can price dispersion in online markets be explained by differences in e-tailer service quality?
X Pan, BT Ratchford, V Shankar
Journal of the Academy of Marketing science 30 (4), 433-445, 2002
The economics of consumer knowledge
BT Ratchford
Journal of Consumer Research 27 (4), 397-411, 2001
The new economic theory of consumer behavior: An interpretive essay
BT Ratchford
Journal of Consumer Research 2 (2), 65-75, 1975
A model of search behavior with an application to grocery shopping
S Putrevu, BT Ratchford
Journal of retailing 73 (4), 463-486, 1997
Price dispersion on the internet: a review and directions for future research
X Pan, BT Ratchford, V Shankar
Journal of Interactive marketing 18 (4), 116-135, 2004
A model of retail format competition for non-durable goods
A Bhatnagar, BT Ratchford
International Journal of Research in Marketing 21 (1), 39-59, 2004
Evolution of retail formats: Past, present, and future
DK Gauri, RP Jindal, B Ratchford, E Fox, A Bhatnagar, A Pandey, ...
Journal of Retailing 97 (1), 42-61, 2021
Strategic online and offline retail pricing: a review and research agenda
D Grewal, R Janakiraman, K Kalyanam, PK Kannan, B Ratchford, R Song, ...
Journal of interactive marketing 24 (2), 138-154, 2010
Retailer pricing and competitive effects
P Kopalle, D Biswas, PK Chintagunta, J Fan, K Pauwels, BT Ratchford, ...
Journal of Retailing 85 (1), 56-70, 2009
Price competition between pure play versus bricks-and-clicks e-tailers: Analytical model and empirical analysis
X Pan, V Shankar, BT Ratchford
The economics of the internet and e-commerce, 29-61, 2002
An empirical investigation of returns to search
BT Ratchford, N Srinivasan
Marketing science 12 (1), 73-87, 1993
The impact of the Internet on consumers' use of information sources for automobiles: A re-inquiry
BT Ratchford, D Talukdar, MS Lee
Journal of Consumer Research 34 (1), 111-119, 2007
Measuring market efficiency and welfare loss
WA Kamakura, BT Ratchford, J Agrawal
Journal of Consumer Research 15 (3), 289-302, 1988
Some determinants of allowed rates of return on equity to electric utilities
RL Hagerman, BT Ratchford
The bell journal of economics, 46-55, 1978
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Articles 1–20