B. S. Mazumder
B. S. Mazumder
Professor, Fluvial Mechanics Laboratory, Physics and Applied Mathematics Unit, Indian Statistical
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Effect of boundary reaction on solute dispersion in pulsatile flow through a tube
BS Mazumder, SK Das
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 239, 523-549, 1992
Influence of bridge pier shape on flow field and scour geometry
BA Vijayasree, TI Eldho, BS Mazumder, N Ahmad
Inter. J. of River Basin Management, …, 2017
An exact solution of oscillatory Couette flow in a rotating system
BS Mazumder
Trans. ASME, J. Applied Mech. doi:10.1115/1.2897694 58 (4), 1104-1107, 1991
Magnetohydrodynamic Couette flow and heat transfer in a rotating system
R N. Jana, N Datta, B S. Mazumder
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 42 (3), 1034-1039, 1977
Dispersion of contaminant in oscillatory flows
A Mukherjee, BS Mazumder
Acta mechanica 74 (1), 107-122, 1988
Turbulence characteristics of flow region over a series of 2-D dune shaped structures
SP Ojha, BS Mazumder
Advances in Water Resources 31 (3), 561-576, 2008
Velocity and concentration profiles in uniform sediment-laden flow
BS Mazumder, K Ghoshal
Applied Mathematical Modelling 30 (2), 164-176, 2006
Turbulence between two inline hemispherical obstacles under wave–current interactions
K Barman, K Debnath, BS Mazumder
Advances in Water Resources 88, 32-52, 2016
Experimental investigation of the impacts of coherent flow structures upon turbulence properties in regions of crescentic scour
H Maity, BS Mazumder
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms,2014, 39(8), 995-1013, DOI: 10.1002 …, 2014
Experimental study of flow and turbulence characteristics around simple and complex piers using PIV
P Gautam, TI Eldho, BS Mazumder, MR Behera
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 100, 193-206, 2019
Turbulence statistics of flow over isolated scalene and isosceles triangular-shaped bedforms
BS Mazumder, DK Pal, K Ghoshal, SP Ojha
Journal of Hydraulic Research 47 (5), 626-637, 2009
Turbulence characteristics of flow over a series of 2‐D bed forms in the presence of surface waves
SP Ojha, BS Mazumder
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 115 (F4), 2010
Size distributions of suspended particles in open channel flow over bed materials
BS Mazumder, RN Ray, DC Dalal
Environmetrics: The official journal of the International Environmetrics …, 2005
Deposition of sand by suspension currents; experimental and theoretical studies
JK Ghosh, BS Mazumder, MR Saha, S Sengupta
Journal of Sedimentary Research 56 (1), 57-66, 1986
Turbulence statistics of flow over scoured cohesive sediment bed around circular cylinder
K Debnath, MK Manik, BS Mazumder
Advances in Water Resources 41, 18-28, 2012
Grain size distribution in suspension from bed materials
BS Mazumder
Sedimentology 41 (2), 271-277, 1994
Flow and heat transfer in the hydromagnetic Ekman layer on a porous plate with Hall effects
BS Mazumder, AS Gupta, N Datta
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 19 (5), 523-527, 1976
Dispersion phenomena of reactive solute in a pulsatile flow of three-layer liquids.
S Debnath, AK Saha, BS Mazumder, AK Roy
Physics of Fluids, 29, DOI: org/10.1063/1.5001962, 16 pages, 2017
Turbulence statistics of flow due to wave–current interaction
BS Mazumder, SP Ojha
Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 18 (3-4), 129-138, 2007
Turbulence statistics of wave-current flow over a submerged cube
SK Singh, K Debnath, BS Mazumder
Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering 142 (3), 04015027, 2016
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Articles 1–20