Zainah Qasem
Zainah Qasem
Marketing department, business school, Jordan university
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Cited by
The effect of telepresence, social presence and involvement on consumer brand engagement: An empirical study of non-profit organizations
R Algharabat, NP Rana, YK Dwivedi, AA Alalwan, Z Qasem
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 40, 139-149, 2018
Examining the impact of mobile interactivity on customer engagement in the context of mobile shopping
AA Alalwan, RS Algharabat, AM Baabdullah, NP Rana, Z Qasem, ...
Journal of Enterprise Information Management 33 (3), 627-653, 2020
The effect of positive TRI traits on centennials adoption of try-on technology in the context of E-fashion retailing
Z Qasem
International Journal of Information Management 56, 102254, 2021
Social media revenge: A typology of online consumer revenge
ZM Obeidat, SH Xiao, Z al Qasem, A Obeidat
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 45, 239-255, 2018
The effect of Arabic language type on banking chatbots adoption
H Hmoud, F Shishan, Z Qasem, S Bazi
Heliyon 9 (10), 2023
Technostress effect in consumer context: the negative effect of following social media influencers
Z Qasem
ICT Unbounded, Social Impact of Bright ICT Adoption: IFIP WG 8.6 …, 2019
The effect of technostress on cyberbullying in Metaverse social platforms
Z Qasem, HY Hmoud, D Hajawi, JZ Al Zoubi
International Working Conference on Transfer and Diffusion of IT, 291-296, 2022
The role of website experience in building attitude and intention towards online shopping
ZA Qasem
University of Leeds, 2014
The innovation resistance theory: the case of cryptocurrencies
F Shishan, H Hmoud, H Zaidan, Z Qasem
Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Finance and Sustainable Technology …, 2022
Customers’ intention to adopt residential solar power systems in Jordan: An empirical study utilizing UTAUT2
Z Qasem
Jordan Journal of Business Administration 17 (2), 2021
Adoption of sharing economies of communitive consumption providing an exchange of services: a conceptual frame work
Z Qasem, R Algharabat, AA Alalwan
Smart Working, Living and Organising: IFIP WG 8.6 International Conference …, 2019
Factors influencing the adoption of E-ticketing in Arabic frontier markets: conceptual extension of UTAUT
Z Qasem
Emerging Markets from a Multidisciplinary Perspective: Challenges …, 2018
The effect of technostressers on universities teaching staff work performance during COVID19 pandemic lockdown
Z Qasem, AA Alalwan, ZM Obeidat, R AlQutob
Re-imagining Diffusion and Adoption of Information Technology and Systems: A …, 2020
Materialism Effect on Apparel Collaborative Consumption Platform Usage: A Research Proposal
Z Qasem, R Algharabat, AA Alalwan, D Hajawi
Digital and Social Media Marketing: Emerging Applications and Theoretical …, 2020
Understanding Parental Intentions for COVID-19 Child Vaccination: A Cross-Sectional Study From Jordan Using Theory of Planned Behavior
EF Badran, Z Qasem, R Alqutob, MW Khaled, AM Aldabbas, AA Mansour, ...
Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 2729-2740, 2024
Open Source Software Governance: Towards a Link to the Business World
HY Hmoud, Z Qasem, D Hajawi, JZA Zoubi
International Working Conference on Transfer and Diffusion of IT, 137-141, 2022
Factors Affecting Chatbot Resistance to Gain Knowledge About Family Planning Among Arab Women: A Conceptual Paper
Z Qasem, HY Hmoud
International Working Conference on Transfer and Diffusion of IT, 17-23, 2023
Research Open
IA Moonesar, Z Qasem, JS Mawajdeh, L Nasir, E Badran
Archives of Women Health and Care 4 (1), 0
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Articles 1–18