Gregory Dyke
Gregory Dyke
Post-Doc, Université de Lyon
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Cited by
Towards an agile approach to adapting dynamic collaboration support to student needs
D Adamson, G Dyke, H Jang, CP Rosé
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 24, 92-124, 2014
Tatiana: an environment to support the CSCL analysis process
G Dyke, K Lund, JJ Girardot
Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Computer supported …, 2009
Towards academically productive talk supported by conversational agents
G Dyke, I Howley, D Adamson, R Kumar, CP Rosé
Productive multivocality in the analysis of group interactions, 459-476, 2013
Enhancing scientific reasoning and discussion with conversational agents
G Dyke, D Adamson, I Howley, CP Rosé
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 6 (3), 240-247, 2013
The impact of CSCL beyond the online environment
SN Clarke, G Chen, C Stainton, S Katz, JG Greeno, LB Resnick, G Dyke, ...
International Society of the Learning Sciences, 2013
Challenging assumptions: Using sliding window visualizations to reveal time-based irregularities in CSCL processes
G Dyke, R Kumar, H Ai, C Rose
International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS), 2012
Which aspects of novice programmers' usage of an IDE predict learning outcomes
G Dyke
Proceedings of the 42nd ACM technical symposium on Computer science …, 2011
Towards productive multivocality in the analysis of collaborative learning.
DD Suthers, K Lund, CP Rosé, G Dyke, N Law, C Teplovs, W Chen, ...
Analysing face to face computer-mediated interactions
G Dyke, JJ Girardot, K Lund, A Corbel
EARLI’07, 2007
Gaining insights from sociolinguistic style analysis for redesign of conversational agent based support for collaborative learning
I Howley, R Kumar, E Mayfield, G Dyke, CP Rosé
Productive multivocality in the analysis of group interactions, 477-494, 2013
Group composition and intelligent dialogue tutors for impacting students’ academic self-efficacy
I Howley, D Adamson, G Dyke, E Mayfield, J Beuth, C Penstein Rosé
Intelligent Tutoring Systems: 11th International Conference, ITS 2012 …, 2012
Tatiana, un environnement d'aide à l'analyse de traces d'interactions humaines
G Dyke, K Lund, JJ Girardot
Technique et Science Informatiques 29 (10), 1179, 2010
Technological affordances for productive multivocality in analysis
G Dyke, K Lund, H Jeong, R Medina, DD Suthers, J Van Aalst, W Chen, ...
9th International Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Conference, CSCL …, 2011
Analyzing and presenting interaction data: A teacher, student and researcher perspective
W Van Diggelen, J Janssen, M Overdijk, C Asterhan, R Hever, B Schwarz, ...
International Society of the Learning Sciences, Inc., 2008
Network analytic techniques for online chat
SP Goggins, G Dyke
Productive multivocality in the analysis of group interactions, 541-559, 2013
Implications d'un modèle de coopération pour la conception d'outils collaboratifs
G Dyke, K Lund
Echanger pour apprendre en ligne (EPAL), Consulté le 20/04/2009 à l'adresse …, 2007
Un modèle pour la gestion et la capitalisation d'analyses de traces d'activités en interaction collaborative
G Dyke
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne, 2009
The synthesis approach to analysing educational design dataset: Application of three scaffolds to a learning by design task for postgraduate education students
K Thompson, L Carvalho, A Aditomo, Y Dimitriadis, G Dyke, MA Evans, ...
British Journal of Educational Technology 46 (5), 1020-1027, 2015
A model for managing and capitalizing on the analyses of traces of activity in collaborative interaction
G Dyke
PhD thesis, ENS Mines, 2009
Extension of the Musette framework for synchronous collective activities
G Dyke
Unpublished Masters Thesis, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2006
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Articles 1–20