bendiks j boersma
bendiks j boersma
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A numerical investigation on the effect of the inflow conditions on the self-similar region of a round jet
BJ Boersma, G Brethouwer, FTM Nieuwstadt
Physics of fluids 10 (4), 899-909, 1998
The influence of wall permeability on turbulent channel flow
WP Breugem, BJ Boersma, RE Uittenbogaard
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 562, 35-72, 2006
Turbulent channel flow near maximum drag reduction: simulations, experiments and mechanisms
PK Ptasinski, BJ Boersma, FTM Nieuwstadt, MA Hulsen, B Van den Brule, ...
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 490, 251-291, 2003
Large-eddy simulation of highly underexpanded transient gas jets
V Vuorinen, J Yu, S Tirunagari, O Kaario, M Larmi, C Duwig, BJ Boersma
Physics of Fluids 25 (1), 2013
Dynamics of prolate ellipsoidal particles in a turbulent channel flow
PH Mortensen, HI Andersson, JJJ Gillissen, BJ Boersma
Physics of Fluids 20 (9), 2008
Collision model for fully resolved simulations of flows laden with finite-size particles
P Costa, BJ Boersma, J Westerweel, WP Breugem
Physical Review E 92 (5), 053012, 2015
Direct numerical simulations of turbulent flow over a permeable wall using a direct and a continuum approach
WP Breugem, BJ Boersma
Physics of fluids 17 (2), 2005
Introduction to theory and applications of turbulent flows
FT Nieuwstadt, J Westerweel, B Boersma
Springer, 2016
An evaluation of the assumed beta probability density function subgrid-scale model for large eddy simulation of nonpremixed, turbulent combustion with heat release
C Wall, BJ Boersma, P Moin
Physics of fluids 12 (10), 2522-2529, 2000
Semi-local scaling and turbulence modulation in variable property turbulent channel flows
A Patel, JWR Peeters, BJ Boersma, R Pecnik
Physics of Fluids 27 (9), 2015
The influence of near-wall density and viscosity gradients on turbulence in channel flows
A Patel, BJ Boersma, R Pecnik
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 809, 793-820, 2016
Mean statistics of a heated turbulent pipe flow at supercritical pressure
H Nemati, A Patel, BJ Boersma, R Pecnik
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 83, 741-752, 2015
Simulation of the mixing of a passive scalar in a round turbulent jet
CL Lubbers, G Brethouwer, BJ Boersma
Fluid Dynamics Research 28 (3), 189, 2001
Direct numerical simulation of bifurcating jets
I Danaila, BJ Boersma
Physics of fluids 12 (5), 1255-1257, 2000
On the Orientation of Ellipsoidal Particles in Turbulent Shear Flow
PH Mortensen, HI Andersson, JJJ Gillissen, BJ Boersma
Fifth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, 2007
On the implementation of low-dissipative Runge–Kutta projection methods for time dependent flows using OpenFOAMŪ
V Vuorinen, JP Keskinen, C Duwig, BJ Boersma
Computers & Fluids 93, 153-163, 2014
Turbulence attenuation in simultaneously heated and cooled annular flows at supercritical pressure
JWR Peeters, R Pecnik, M Rohde, T Van Der Hagen, BJ Boersma
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 799, 505-540, 2016
High speed PIV applied to aerodynamic noise investigation
V Koschatzky, PD Moore, J Westerweel, F Scarano, BJ Boersma
Experiments in fluids 50, 863-876, 2011
Hydrodynamic stability of a sheared liquid film
R Miesen, BJ Boersma
Journal of fluid mechanics 301, 175-202, 1995
The effect of thermal boundary conditions on forced convection heat transfer to fluids at supercritical pressure
H Nemati, A Patel, BJ Boersma, R Pecnik
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 800, 531-556, 2016
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Articles 1–20