Andreas Hack
Andreas Hack
Institut für Organisation und Personal, Universität Bern
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Cited by
What makes a family firm innovative? CEO risk‐taking propensity and the organizational context of family firms
ND Kraiczy, A Hack, FW Kellermanns
Journal of Product Innovation Management 32 (3), 334-348, 2015
Attracting new talent to family firms: who is attracted and under what conditions?
H Hauswald, A Hack, FW Kellermanns, H Patzelt
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 40 (5), 963-989, 2016
New product portfolio performance in family firms
ND Kraiczy, A Hack, FW Kellermanns
Journal of Business Research 67 (6), 1065-1073, 2014
Management von Familienunternehmen
B Felden, A Hack
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2014
Impact of family control/influence on stakeholders’ perceptions of benevolence
H Hauswald, A Hack
Family Business Review 26 (4), 356-373, 2013
Family firm brands, perceptions of doing good, and consumer happiness
M Schellong, ND Kraiczy, L Malär, A Hack
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 43 (5), 921-946, 2019
Ready for a crisis? How supervisory boards affect the formalized crisis procedures of small and medium-sized family firms in Germany
P Faghfouri, ND Kraiczy, A Hack, FW Kellermanns
Review of Managerial Science 9, 317-338, 2015
Sind Familienunternehmen anders? Eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme des aktuellen Forschungsstands
A Hack
Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft Special Issue 2 (2 (2009), 1-29, 2009
One size does not fit all: Entrepreneurial families’ reliance on family offices
S Wessel, C Decker, KSG Lange, A Hack
European Management Journal 32 (1), 37-45, 2014
SMES’reluctance to embrace corporate sustainability: The effect of stakeholder pressure on self-determination and the role of social proximity
RA Ernst, M Gerken, A Hack, M Hülsbeck
Journal of cleaner production 335, 130273, 2022
Storytelling and cultural family value transmission: Value perception of stories in family firms
M Zwack, ND Kraiczy, A von Schlippe, A Hack
Management Learning 47 (5), 590-614, 2016
Is it all about money?–Affective commitment and the difference between family and non‐family sellers in buyouts
O Ahlers, A Hack, K Madison, M Wright, FW Kellermanns
British Journal of Management 28 (2), 159-179, 2017
Successor selection in family business—A signaling game
S Schell, JK de Groote, P Moog, A Hack
Journal of family business strategy 11 (3), 100286, 2020
“Stepping into the buyers’ shoes”: Looking at the value of family firms through the eyes of private equity investors
O Ahlers, A Hack, FW Kellermanns
Journal of Family Business Strategy 5 (4), 384-396, 2014
Family firms as agents of sustainable development: A normative perspective
RA Ernst, M Gerken, A Hack, M Hülsbeck
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 174, 121135, 2022
CEO innovation orientation and R&D intensity in small and medium-sized firms: the moderating role of firm growth
ND Kraiczy, A Hack, FW Kellermanns
Journal of Business Economics 85, 851-872, 2015
The relationship between top management team innovation orientation and firm growth: The mediating role of firm innovativeness
ND Kraiczy, A Hack, FW Kellermanns
International Journal of Innovation Management 19 (01), 1550005, 2015
Advancing knowledge on human resource management in family firms: An introduction and integrative framework
C Hoon, A Hack, FW Kellermanns
German Journal of Human Resource Management 33 (3), 147-166, 2019
Nationalism at work: Introducing the “nationality-based organizational climate inventory” and assessing its impact on the turnover intention of foreign employees
T Köllen, A Koch, A Hack
Management International Review 60, 97-122, 2020
Applying person‐environment fit theory to identify personality differences between prospective social and commercial entrepreneurs: An explorative study
V Riedo, ND Kraiczy, A Hack
Journal of Small Business Management 57 (3), 989-1007, 2019
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Articles 1–20