Hyunjung Ji
Cited by
Cited by
Third-party certification, sponsorship, and consumers’ ecolabel use
N Darnall, H Ji, DA Vázquez-Brust
Journal of Business Ethics 150, 953-969, 2018
Do ESG Reporting Guidelines and Verifications Enhance Firms’ Information Disclosure
TA Nicole Darnall, Hyunjung Ji, Kazuyuki Iwata
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, forthcoming, 2022
Institutional design of ecolabels: Sponsorship signals rule strength
N Darnall, H Ji, M Potoski
Regulation & Governance 11 (4), 438-450, 2017
Disaster risk reduction, community resilience, and policy effectiveness: the case of the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program in the United States
H Ji, D Lee
Disasters 45 (2), 378-402, 2021
All are not created equal: Assessing local governments' strategic approaches towards sustainability
H Ji, N Darnall
Public Management Review 20 (1), 154-175, 2017
The role of intergovernmental aid in defining fiscal sustainability at the sub-national level
H Ji, J Ahn, J Chapman
Urban Studies 53 (14), 3063-3081, 2016
Heterogeneity in preventive behaviors during COVID-19: Health risk, economic insecurity, and slanted information
SH Shin, H Ji, HN Lim
Social Science & Medicine 278, 113944, 2021
Health risks of natural hazards and resilience resources: Evidence from a US nationwide longitudinal study
SH Shin, H Ji
Social Science & Medicine 281, 114110, 2021
Spillover Effects of Central Cities on Sustainability Efforts in a Metropolitan Area
H Ji, P Tate
Policy Sciences 54 (1), 95–121, 2021
How do external conditions affect the design of local governments’ sustainability strategies?
H Ji, N Darnall
Regulation & Governance 16 (3), 910-929, 2020
How Do Different Types of Local Governments' Sustainability Programs Relate to Their Environmental Outcomes
H Ji
Policy Studies Journal 48 (4), 1023-1053, 2020
Community factors and local governments’ hazard mitigation efforts: Focusing on nonprofit organizations
H Ji, W No, J Yeo
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 83, 103394, 2022
Racial/Ethnic disparities in drug use during the COVID 19 pandemic: Moderating effects of non-profit substance use disorder service expenditures
H Ji, SH Shin, A Rogers, J Neese, HY Lee
Plos one 17 (6), e0270238, 2022
The effect of natural disasters on household economic hardship during a pandemic
HN Lim, SH Shin, H Ji
Journal of Consumer Affairs, 2022
The Varieties of Nonprofit Organizations and Local Hazard Mitigation Efforts
H Ji, J Yeo, W No
Journal of Public and Nonprofit Affairs 8 (2), 239–259, 2022
Linking Risk Reduction and Community Resilience
H Ji
Oxford Research Encyclopedias, Natural Hazard Science, 1-20, 2018
Health benefits of local government sustainability efforts: A social cognitive perspective
H Ji, SH Shin
Ecological Economics 190, 107207, 2021
A Learning Ecology Perspective of Energy Literacy among Youth: A Case Study from Alabama High Schools
H Ji, AB Coronado, MA Mueller, LJ Esposito, D Tait, HJ Kim
Sustainability 15 (22), 16055, 2023
Assessing local governments’ sustainability strategies
H Ji
Arizona State University, 2016
Performance Under Fire: Older Adult Cognitive Risks and Protections Under Heat Strain
SH Shin, SL Walker, H Ji, HY Lee
The Gerontologist 64 (11), gnae116, 2024
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Articles 1–20