Rashmi Assudani
Cited by
Cited by
Assessing experiential learning styles: A methodological reconstruction and validation of the Kolb Learning Style Inventory
C Manolis, DJ Burns, R Assudani, R Chinta
Learning and individual differences 23, 44-52, 2013
Catching the chameleon: understanding the elusive term “knowledge”
RH Assudani
Journal of Knowledge Management 9 (2), 31-44, 2005
Managing stakeholders for project management success: an emergent model of stakeholders
R Assudani, TJ Kloppenborg
Journal of general management 35 (3), 67-80, 2010
Ethnic entrepreneurship: The distinct role of ties
RH Assudani
Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship 22 (2), 197-205, 2009
Dispersed knowledge work–implications for knowledge intensive firms
RH Assudani
Journal of Knowledge Management 13 (6), 521-532, 2009
The effect of pedagogy on students' perceptions of the importance of ethics and social responsibility in business firms
RH Assudani, R Chinta, C Manolis, DJ Burns
Ethics & Behavior 21 (2), 103-117, 2011
Enabling entrepreneurial minds: Using appreciative inquiry as a pedagogical tool for uncovering self-awareness and for generating constructivist learning
R Assudani, L Kilbourne
Journal of Entrepreneurship Education 18 (1), 65, 2015
Role of context on propensity of women to own business
Á Muñoz-Fernández, R Assudani, I Khayat
Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research 9 (1), 37, 2019
What does it mean to manage'knowledge': implications for the strategic management of knowledge in firms
RH Assudani
International Journal of Management and Decision Making 9 (6), 646-659, 2008
Balancing growth and innovation in Indian biotech firms
SE Khilji, T Mroczkowski, R Assudani
South Asian Journal of Global Business Research 1 (2), 256-275, 2012
Elephant and Samurai: differences between Indian and Japanese supply chain management
D Park, HA Krishnan, R Chinta, R Assudani, M Lee
Journal of Managerial Issues, 207-224, 2012
Role of familiarity in affecting knowledge gaps in geographically dispersed work
RH Assudani
IEEE transactions on professional communication 54 (3), 314-332, 2011
Entrepreneurial support systems: Role of the Czech accelerator
R Assudani, T Mroczkowski, A Muñoz-Fernández, SE Khilji
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 21 (6 …, 2017
The external relationships in relationship marketing: An exploration
DJ Burns, HB Warren, R Assudani
Journal of business market management 4, 51-69, 2010
Learning in a geographically dispersed context: Building a community of learning in dispersed space
RH Assudani
Teaching and learning with virtual teams, 110-130, 2006
Knowledge exchange in a virtual team-exploring the relationship between virtual communication and social capital generation
RH Assudani
International journal of networking and virtual organisations 4 (3), 304-317, 2007
Understanding Indian supply chain management practices
D Park, R Chinta, R Assudani, M Lee, M Cunningham
International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management 7 (3), 348-358, 2013
Creating and scaling a social innovation: case study of Support My School
R Assudani, I Khayat, M Cunningham, L Kilbourne
International Journal of Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation 4 (1), 37-53, 2016
Negotiating knowledge gaps in dispersed knowledge work
RH Assudani
International Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations (IJKBO) 1 (3), 1-21, 2011
Knowledge Sharing among Scientists: Why Reputation Matters for R&D in Multinational Firms?
RH Assudani
Critical perspectives on international business 5 (4), 319-321, 2009
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Articles 1–20