Hongqiang Yang
Hongqiang Yang
Nanjing Forestry University
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Review of carbon storage function of harvested wood products and the potential of wood substitution in greenhouse gas mitigation
A Geng, H Yang, J Chen, Y Hong
Forest Policy and Economics 85, 192-200, 2017
Assessing the greenhouse gas effects of harvested wood products manufactured from managed forests in Canada
J Chen, MT Ter-Mikaelian, H Yang, SJ Colombo
Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research 91 (2), 193-205, 2018
HSCs play a distinct role in different phases of oval cell‐mediated liver regeneration
L Chen, W Zhang, Q Zhou, H Yang, H Liang, B Zhang, X Long, X Chen
Cell biochemistry and function 30 (7), 588-596, 2012
Fuel octane effects on gasoline multiple premixed compression ignition (MPCI) mode
H Yang, S Shuai, Z Wang, J Wang
Fuel 103, 373-379, 2013
Combustion and emission characteristics of Multiple Premixed Compression Ignition (MPCI) fuelled with naphtha and gasoline in wide load range
B Wang, Z Wang, S Shuai, H Yang, J Wang
Energy conversion and management 88, 79-87, 2014
Comparison of product carbon footprint protocols: case study on medium-density fiberboard in China
S Wang, W Wang, H Yang
International journal of environmental research and public health 15 (10), 2060, 2018
China's wood furniture manufacturing industry: industrial cluster and export competitiveness
Y Hongqiang, C Ji, Y Nie, H Yinxing
Forest Products Journal 62 (3), 214-221, 2012
Improving carbon stock estimates for in-use harvested wood products by linking production and consumption—a global case study
X Zhang, J Chen, AC Dias, H Yang
Environmental science & technology 54 (5), 2565-2574, 2020
Activin A induces growth arrest through a SMAD-dependent pathway in hepatic progenitor cells
L Chen, W Zhang, H Liang, Q Zhou, Z Ding, H Yang, W Liu, Y Wu, Q Man, ...
Cell Communication and Signaling 12, 1-14, 2014
程南洋, 杨红强, 聂影
国际贸易问题, 115-119, 2006
Carbon leakage in energy/forest sectors and climate policy implications using meta-analysis
W Pan, MK Kim, Z Ning, H Yang
Forest Policy and Economics 115, 102161, 2020
High efficiency and low pollutants combustion: gasoline multiple premixed compression ignition (MPCI)
HQ Yang, SJ Shuai, Z Wang, JX Wang
SAE Technical Paper, 2012
A decade trend of total factor productivity of key state-owned forestry enterprises in China
H Yang, T Yuan, X Zhang, S Li
Forests 7 (5), 97, 2016
New premixed compression ignition concept for direct injection IC engines fueled with straight-run naphtha
H Yang, S Shuai, Z Wang, J Wang, H Xu
Energy conversion and management 68, 161-168, 2013
Greenhouse gas reduction and cost efficiency of using wood flooring as an alternative to ceramic tile: A case study in China
A Geng, H Zhang, H Yang
Journal of Cleaner Production 166, 438-448, 2017
Load expansion of naphtha multiple premixed compression ignition (MPCI) and comparison with partially premixed compression ignition (PPCI) and conventional diesel combustion (CDC)
K Kim, Z Wang, B Wang, S Shuai, H Yang, C Bae
Fuel 136, 1-9, 2014
Carbon balance and contribution of harvested wood products in China based on the production approach of the intergovernmental panel on climate change
C Ji, W Cao, Y Chen, H Yang
International journal of environmental research and public health 13 (11), 1132, 2016
杨红强, 聂影
世界农业, 53-56, 2008
Climate mitigation potential of sustainable biochar production in China
L Xia, W Chen, B Lu, S Wang, L Xiao, B Liu, H Yang, CL Huang, H Wang, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 175, 113145, 2023
Identifying priority conservation areas based on ecosystem services change driven by Natural Forest Protection Project in Qinghai province, China
K Yan, W Wang, Y Li, X Wang, J Jin, J Jiang, H Yang, L Wang
Journal of Cleaner Production 362, 132453, 2022
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