Antecedents of counterproductive behavior at work: a general perspective. B Marcus, H Schuler Journal of applied psychology 89 (4), 647, 2004 | 1010 | 2004 |
Personality in cyberspace: Personal web sites as media for personality expressions and impressions. B Marcus, F Machilek, A Schütz Journal of personality and social psychology 90 (6), 1014, 2006 | 484 | 2006 |
Personality dimensions explaining relationships between integrity tests and counterproductive behavior: Big Five, or one in addition? B Marcus, K Lee, MC Ashton Personnel Psychology 60 (1), 1-34, 2007 | 368 | 2007 |
The use of snowball sampling for multi source organizational research: Some cause for concern B Marcus, O Weigelt, J Hergert, J Gurt, P Gelléri Personnel Psychology 70 (3), 635-673, 2017 | 349 | 2017 |
The structure of counterproductive work behavior: A review, a structural meta-analysis, and a primary study B Marcus, OA Taylor, SE Hastings, A Sturm, O Weigelt Journal of Management 42 (1), 203-233, 2016 | 296 | 2016 |
Compensating for low topic interest and long surveys: a field experiment on nonresponse in web surveys B Marcus, M Bosnjak, S Lindner, S Pilischenko, A Schütz Social Science Computer Review 25 (3), 372-383, 2007 | 274 | 2007 |
Die messung von Narzissmus als persönlichkeitskonstrukt A Schütz, B Marcus, I Sellin Diagnostica 50 (4), 202-218, 2004 | 237 | 2004 |
An empirical examination of the construct validity of two alternative self-control measures B Marcus Educational and Psychological Measurement 63 (4), 674-706, 2003 | 228 | 2003 |
Measuring counterproductivity: Development and initial validation of a German self‐report questionnaire B Marcus, H Schuler, P Quell, G Hümpfner International Journal of selection and assessment 10 (1‐2), 18-35, 2002 | 217 | 2002 |
Self-control in the general theory of crime: Theoretical implications of a measurement problem B Marcus Theoretical criminology 8 (1), 33-55, 2004 | 207 | 2004 |
‘Faking’from the applicant's perspective: A theory of self‐presentation in personnel selection settings B Marcus International Journal of Selection and Assessment 17 (4), 417-430, 2009 | 205 | 2009 |
Who are the people reluctant to participate in research? Personality correlates of four different types of nonresponse as inferred from self‐and observer ratings B Marcus, A Schütz Journal of personality 73 (4), 959-984, 2005 | 190 | 2005 |
Biografieorientierte Verfahren der Personalauswahl H Schuler, B Marcus Lehrbuch der Personalpsychologie 3, 257-299, 2014 | 158 | 2014 |
Leistungsbeurteilung B Marcus, H Schuler Lehrbuch der Personalpsychologie 2, 433-469, 2006 | 143 | 2006 |
Attitudes towards personnel selection methods: A partial replication and extension in a German sample B Marcus Applied Psychology 52 (4), 515-532, 2003 | 113 | 2003 |
Leistungsbeurteilung H Schuler, B Marcus Roth, Erwin (Hg.): Organisationspsychologie, Göttingen, 399-430, 1989 | 110 | 1989 |
Personality and cognitive ability as predictors of typical and maximum managerial performance B Marcus, RD Goffin, NG Johnston, MG Rothstein Human performance 20 (3), 275-285, 2007 | 108 | 2007 |
The HEXACO–100 across 16 languages: A large-scale test of measurement invariance I Thielmann, N Akrami, T Babarović, A Belloch, R Bergh, A Chirumbolo, ... Journal of personality assessment 102 (5), 714-726, 2020 | 105 | 2020 |
The place of the “Dark Triad” in general models of personality: Some meta-analytic clarification. A Schreiber, B Marcus Psychological Bulletin 146 (11), 1021, 2020 | 103 | 2020 |
German lexical personality factors: Relations with the HEXACO model MC Ashton, K Lee, B Marcus, RE De Vries European Journal of Personality: Published for the European Association of …, 2007 | 85 | 2007 |