Wendy Smith
Cited by
Cited by
Toward a theory of paradox: A dynamic equilibrium model of organizing
WK Smith, MW Lewis
Academy of management Review 36 (2), 381-403, 2011
Managing strategic contradictions: A top management model for managing innovation streams
WK Smith, ML Tushman
Organization science 16 (5), 522-536, 2005
Multiple institutional logics in organizations: Explaining their varied nature and implications
ML Besharov, WK Smith
Academy of management review 39 (3), 364-381, 2014
A structural approach to assessing innovation: Construct development of innovation locus, type, and characteristics
H Gatignon, ML Tushman, W Smith, P Anderson
Management science 48 (9), 1103-1122, 2002
Paradox research in management science: Looking back to move forward
J Schad, MW Lewis, S Raisch, WK Smith
Academy of management annals 10 (1), 5-64, 2016
Managing social-business tensions: A review and research agenda for social enterprise
WK Smith, M Gonin, ML Besharov
Business Ethics Quarterly 23 (3), 407-442, 2013
Organizational designs and innovation streams
M Tushman, WK Smith, RC Wood, G Westerman, C O’Reilly
Industrial and corporate change 19 (5), 1331-1366, 2010
New ways of seeing through qualitative research
P Bansal, WK Smith, E Vaara
Academy of management journal 61 (4), 1189-1195, 2018
Dynamic decision making: A model of senior leaders managing strategic paradoxes
WK Smith
Academy of management Journal 57 (6), 1592-1623, 2014
Complex business models: Managing strategic paradoxes simultaneously
WK Smith, A Binns, ML Tushman
Long range planning 43 (2-3), 448-461, 2010
Microfoundations of organizational paradox: The problem is how we think about the problem
E Miron-Spektor, A Ingram, J Keller, WK Smith, MW Lewis
Academy of management journal 61 (1), 26-45, 2018
Paradox as a metatheoretical perspective: Sharpening the focus and widening the scope
MW Lewis, WK Smith
The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 50 (2), 127-149, 2014
Bowing before dual gods: How structured flexibility sustains organizational hybridity
WK Smith, ML Besharov
Administrative Science Quarterly 64 (1), 1-44, 2019
Paradoxical leadership to enable strategic agility
MW Lewis, C Andriopoulos, WK Smith
California management review 56 (3), 58-77, 2014
A paradoxical leadership model for social entrepreneurs: Challenges, leadership skills, and pedagogical tools for managing social and commercial demands
WK Smith, ML Besharov, AK Wessels, M Chertok
Academy of Management Learning & Education 11 (3), 463-478, 2012
Institutional complexity and paradox theory: Complementarities of competing demands
WK Smith, P Tracey
Strategic organization 14 (4), 455-466, 2016
Both/and” leadership
WK Smith, MW Lewis, ML Tushman
Harvard Business Review 94 (5), 62-70, 2016
Adding complexity to theories of paradox, tensions, and dualities of innovation and change: Introduction to organization studies special issue on paradox, tensions, and …
W K. Smith, M Erez, S Jarvenpaa, MW Lewis, P Tracey
Organization Studies 38 (3-4), 303-317, 2017
Organizational technology
ML Tushman, W Smith
The Blackwell companion to organizations, 386-414, 2017
The ambidextrous CEO
ML Tushman, WK Smith, A Binns
Harvard Business Review 89 (6), 74-80, 2011
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Articles 1–20