Petra Kovács-Bodor
Petra Kovács-Bodor
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Confined carbonates–Regional scale hydraulic interaction or isolation?
J Mádl-Szőnyi, B Czauner, V Iván, Á Tóth, S Simon, A Erőss, P Bodor, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 107, 591-612, 2019
Regional underpressure: a factor of uncertainty in the geothermal exploration of deep carbonates, Gödöllő Region, Hungary
J Mádl-Szőnyi, E Pulay, Á Tóth, P Bodor
Environmental Earth Sciences 74, 7523-7538, 2015
Radioactive environment adapted bacterial communities constituting the biofilms of hydrothermal spring caves (Budapest, Hungary)
NT Enyedi, D Anda, AK Borsodi, A Szabó, SE Pál, M Óvári, K Márialigeti, ...
Journal of environmental radioactivity 203, 8-17, 2019
Natural radioactivity of thermal springs and related precipitates in Gellért Hill area, Buda Thermal Karst, Hungary
P Kovács-Bodor, K Csondor, A Erőss, D Szieberth, Á Freiler-Nagy, ...
Journal of environmental radioactivity 201, 32-42, 2019
Multidimensional data analysis of natural springs in a carbonate region
P Bodor, Á Tóth, J Kovács, JJ Madl-Szonyi
First EAGE/TNO Workshop, cp-450-00003, 2015
Integration of in situ experiments and numerical simulations to reveal the physicochemical circumstances of organic and inorganic precipitation at a thermal spring
P Kovács-Bodor, D Anda, L Jurecska, M Óvári, Á Horváth, J Makk, V Post, ...
Aquatic geochemistry 24, 231-255, 2018
In situ modelling of biofilm formation in a hydrothermal spring cave
D Anda, A Szabó, P Kovács-Bodor, J Makk, T Felföldi, É Ács, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 21733, 2020
A csapadék hatása a rózsadombi források utánpótlódási és megcsapolódási területén
P Bodor, A Erős, JM Szőnyi, J Kovács
Földtani Közlöny 145 (4), 385-395, 2015
A Duna és a felszín alatti vizek kapcsolata a rózsadombi megcsapolódási területen
Karsztfejlődés 19, 63-75, 2014
Evolution of bacterial biofilms and chemical precipitates in thermal springs depending on flow kinetics (Buda Thermal Karst, Hungary)
P Bodor, D Anda, V Burkus, M Óvári, Á Horváth, E Kuzmann, Z Homonnay, ...
44th Annual Congress of the International Association of Hydrogeologists …, 2017
Evaluation of temporal variation of the discharge and physico-chemical parameters of Boltív Spring (Budapest, Hungary)
P Bodor, V Lovrity, A Erőss
Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica, Abstract Series 8 (10), 2014
Mössbauer study of biofilms formed along a canal of the Gellért Hill, Buda Thermal Karst, Hungary
E Kuzmann, Z Homonnay, K Kovács, P Bodor, J Mádl-Szőnyi
Hyperfine Interactions 238, 1-4, 2017
Biogeochemical precipitates at the terminal points of regional groundwater flow systems as analogs for geothermal plants and past processes
P Kovács-Bodor, J Mádl-Szőnyi
46th Annual Congress of the International Association of Hydrogeologists, 2019
Revealing groundwater flow systems on the basis of statistical spring data analysis
T Ádám, P Kovács-Bodor, J Kovács, J Mádl-Szőnyi
46th Annual Congress of the International Association of Hydrogeologists, 2019
Thermal springs as „outcrops” of geofluid systems and provenance of biogeochemical accumulations and environmental impact
J Mádl-Szőnyi, P Kovács-Bodor, T Havril
46th Annual Congress of the International Association of Hydrogeologists, 2019
What do the thermal springs and their related precipitates tell us about interacting geofluid systems?
J Mádl-Szőnyi, P Kovács-Bodor
Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, 2019
In situ experimental study of the formation and physicochemical circumstances of thermal water-related biogeochemical precipitates and calcites.
P Kovács-Bodor, D Anda, J Makk, M Óvári, Á Bihari, M Braun, I Futó, ...
Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, 2019
Experimental evolution of thermal water-related precipitates
P Kovács-Bodor, O Győri, Z Kovács, V Post, J Mádl-Szőnyi
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 10268, 2018
Deep seated carbonates and their vulnerability-are they isolated or hydrodynamically interacted?
J Mádl-Szőnyi, B Czauner, V Iván, Á Tóth, S Simon, A Erőss, T Havril, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 8381, 2017
Temporal hydrological and hydrochemical behaviour of the regional discharge area of a carbonate system-why we can not see fast responses?
P Bodor, A Eröss, J Kovács, J Mádl-Szönyi
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EPSC2016-7707, 2016
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Articles 1–20