Sayali Kulkarni
Sayali Kulkarni
IIT Bombay; Google
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Cited by
Collective annotation of wikipedia entities in web text
S Kulkarni, A Singh, G Ramakrishnan, S Chakrabarti
Proceedings of the 15th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2009
Learning dense representations for entity retrieval
D Gillick, S Kulkarni, L Lansing, A Presta, J Baldridge, E Ie, ...
Proceedings of the 23rd Conference on Computational Natural Language …, 2019
Wildlife insights: A platform to maximize the potential of camera trap and other passive sensor wildlife data for the planet
JA Ahumada, E Fegraus, T Birch, N Flores, R Kays, TG O’Brien, J Palmer, ...
Environmental Conservation 47 (1), 1-6, 2020
Comparative study of clustering techniques for short text documents
A Rangrej, S Kulkarni, AV Tendulkar
Proceedings of the 20th international conference companion on World wide web …, 2011
Seq2slate: Re-ranking and slate optimization with rnns
I Bello, S Kulkarni, S Jain, C Boutilier, E Chi, E Eban, X Luo, A Mackey, ...
Workshop on Negative Dependence in Machine Learning at the 36th …, 2018
Aquamuse: Automatically generating datasets for query-based multi-document summarization
S Kulkarni, S Chammas, W Zhu, F Sha, E Ie
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.12694, 2020
Spatial Language Representation with Multi-Level Geocoding
S Kulkarni, S Jain, MJ Hosseini, J Baldridge, E Ie, L Zhang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.09236, 2020
Multi-Level Gazetteer-Free Geocoding
S Kulkarni, S Jain, MJ Hosseini, J Baldridge, E Ie, L Zhang
Proceedings of Second International Combined Workshop on Spatial Language …, 2021
Dynamic composition for conversational domain exploration
I Szpektor, D Cohen, G Elidan, M Fink, A Hassidim, O Keller, S Kulkarni, ...
Proceedings of the web conference 2020, 872-883, 2020
Artificial intelligence's role in global camera trap data management and analytics via wildlife insights
D Thau, JA Ahumada, T Birch, E Fegraus, N Flores, W Jetz, R Kays, ...
Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 3, e38233, 2019
CoMSum and SIBERT: A Dataset and Neural Model for Query-Based Multi-document Summarization
S Kulkarni, S Chammas, W Zhu, F Sha, E Ie
Document Analysis and Recognition–ICDAR 2021: 16th International Conference …, 2021
Huai-hsin Chi, Elad Eban, Xiyang Luo, Alan Mackey, and Ofer Meshi. 2018. Seq2Slate: Re-ranking and Slate Optimization with RNNs. CoRR abs/1810.02019 (2018)
I Bello, S Kulkarni, S Jain, C Boutilier
arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.02019, 0
Curating and searching the annotated web
A Singh, S Kulkarni, S Banerjee, G Ramakrishnan, S Chakrabarti
SIGKDD Conference, 2009
Systems and Methods for Slate Optimization with Recurrent Neural Networks
OP Meshi, I Bello, S Kulkarni, S Jain
US Patent App. 16/415,854, 2019
Where do we go from here? multi-scale allocentric relational inferencefrom natural spatial descriptions
T Paz-Argaman, J Palowitch, S Kulkarni, J Baldridge, R Tsarfaty
Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the …, 2024
Systems and methods for slate optimization with recurrent neural networks
OP Meshi, I Bello, SS Kulkarni, S Jain
US Patent 10,592,777, 2020
Into the Unknown: Generating Geospatial Descriptions for New Environments
T Paz-Argaman, J Palowitch, S Kulkarni, R Tsarfaty, J Baldridge
arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.19967, 2024
Where Do We Go from Here? Multi-scale Allocentric Relational Inference from Natural Spatial Descriptions
T Paz-Argaman, S Kulkarni, J Palowitch, J Baldridge, R Tsarfaty
arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.16364, 2024
Unifying data for fine-grained visual species classification
S Kulkarni, T Gadot, C Luo, T Birch, E Fegraus
arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.11433, 2020
RFID Security
A Savagaonkar, J Waghmare, N Nikam, S Kulkarni
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Articles 1–20