Stefan Schulreich
Stefan Schulreich
University of Vienna, Faculty of Life Sciences
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Music-evoked incidental happiness modulates probability weighting during risky lottery choices
S Schulreich, YG Heussen, H Gerhardt, PNC Mohr, FC Binkofski, ...
Frontiers in psychology 4, 981, 2014
Addressing climate change with behavioral science: A global intervention tournament in 63 countries
M Vlasceanu, KC Doell, JB Bak-Coleman, B Todorova, ...
Science advances 10 (6), eadj5778, 2024
Incidental fear cues increase monetary loss aversion.
S Schulreich, H Gerhardt, HR Heekeren
Emotion 16 (3), 402, 2016
Fearless Dominance and reduced feedback-related negativity amplitudes in a time-estimation task–Further neuroscientific evidence for dual-process models of psychopathy
S Schulreich, DM Pfabigan, B Derntl, U Sailer
Biological psychology 93 (3), 352-363, 2013
Effects of hydrocortisone and yohimbine on decision-making under risk
S Metz, T Waiblinger-Grigull, S Schulreich, WR Chae, C Otte, ...
Psychoneuroendocrinology 114, 104589, 2020
Altruism under stress: Cortisol negatively predicts charitable giving and neural value representations depending on mentalizing capacity
S Schulreich, A Tusche, P Kanske, L Schwabe
Journal of Neuroscience 42 (16), 3445-3460, 2022
Causal role of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in belief updating under uncertainty
S Schulreich, L Schwabe
Cerebral Cortex 31 (1), 184-200, 2021
Trust in scientists and their role in society across 67 countries
V Cologna, N Mede, S Berger, J Besley, C Brick, M Joubert, E Maibach, ...
Fear-induced increases in loss aversion are linked to increased neural negative-value coding
S Schulreich, H Gerhardt, D Meshi, HR Heekeren
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 15 (6), 661-670, 2020
Altered performance monitoring in psychopathy: A review of studies on action selection, error, and feedback processing
S Schulreich
Current Behavioral Neuroscience Reports 3, 19-27, 2016
So close to a deal: Spatial-distance cues influence economic decision-making in a social context
R Fatfouta, S Schulreich, D Meshi, H Heekeren
PloS one 10 (8), e0135968, 2015
Higher subjective socioeconomic status is linked to increased charitable giving and mentalizing-related neural value coding
S Schulreich, A Tusche, P Kanske, L Schwabe
NeuroImage 279, 120315, 2023
How incidental affect and emotion regulation modulate decision making under risk
HR Heekeren, S Schulreich, PNC Mohr, C Morawetz
2017 5th International Winter Conference on Brain-Computer Interface (BCI …, 2017
The International Climate Psychology Collaboration: Climate change-related data collected from 63 countries
KC Doell, B Todorova, M Vlasceanu, JB Bak Coleman, E Pronizius, ...
Scientific data 11 (1), 1066, 2024
Sunk costs under stress: Acute stress reduces the impact of past expenses on risky decisions
S Schulreich, LC Dandolo, L Schwabe
Psychoneuroendocrinology 137, 105632, 2022
Perceptions of Science, Science Communication, and Climate Change Attitudes in 67 Countries: The TISP Dataset
N Mede, V Cologna, S Berger, J Besley, C Brick, M Joubert, E Maibach, ...
Neural correlates of valence-dependent belief and value updating during uncertainty reduction: An fNIRS study
XR Peng, I Bundil, S Schulreich, SC Li
NeuroImage 279, 120327, 2023
Nutritional modulation of learning under uncertainty
T Stöffel, S Schulreich
OSF, 2024
Nutritional modulation of risky decision making
T Stöffel, S Schulreich
OSF, 2024
Acute stress influences decisions based on social and reward inference
S Schulreich
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Articles 1–20