Type I error rate and power of three normality tests M Mendes, A Pala Pakistan Journal of information and technology 2 (2), 135-139, 2003 | 395 | 2003 |
Which effect size measure is appropriate for one-way and two-way ANOVA models?: A Monte Carlo simulation study S Yigit, M Mendes REVSTAT-Statistical Journal 16 (3), 295313-295313, 2018 | 94 | 2018 |
Regression tree analysis for predicting slaughter weight in broilers M Mendeş, E Akkartal Italian Journal of Animal Science 8 (4), 615-624, 2009 | 94 | 2009 |
Which Correlation Coefficient Should Be Used for Investigating Relations between Quantitative Variables? M Temizhan, E., Mirtagioğlu H., Mendes American Academic Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology
, 2022 | 87* | 2022 |
Determination of water stress with spectral reflectance on sweet corn (Zea mays L.) using classification tree (CT) analysis L Genc, M Inalpulat, U Kizil, M Mirik, SE Smith, M Mendes Zemdirbyste-Agriculture 100 (1), 81-90, 2013 | 80 | 2013 |
Characterization of aroma-active compounds, sensory properties, and proteolysis in Ezine cheese YK Yuceer, B Tuncel, O Guneser, B Engin, M Isleten, K Yasar, M Mendes Journal of Dairy Science 92 (9), 4146-4157, 2009 | 76 | 2009 |
Growth curve establishment for American Bronze turkeys IE Ersoy, M Mendeş, S Aktan Archives Animal Breeding 49 (3), 293-299, 2006 | 65 | 2006 |
Comparison of ANOVA F and WELCH tests with their respective permutation versions in terms of type I error rates and test power M Mendes, E Akkartal Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 16 (5), 2010 | 63 | 2010 |
Sensorial and physico‐chemical characterization of virgin olive oils produced in Çanakkale M Öğütçü, M Mendeş, E Yılmaz Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society 85 (5), 441-456, 2008 | 59 | 2008 |
Uygulamalı bilimler için istatistik ve araştırma yöntemleri M Mendeş Kriter Yayınevi, 2012 | 57 | 2012 |
Profile analysis and growth curve for body mass index of broiler chickens reared under different feed restrictions in early age M Mendeş, E Dincer, E Arslan Archives Animal Breeding 50 (4), 403-411, 2007 | 56 | 2007 |
Determination of depression risk factors in children and adolescents by regression tree methodology. H Çamdeviren, M Mendes, MM Ozkan, F Toros, T Sasmaz, S Oner Acta Medica Okayama 59 (1), 19-26, 2005 | 50 | 2005 |
Multivariate multiple regression analysis based on principal component scores to study relationships between some pre-and post-slaughter traits of broilers M Mendes Journal of Agricultural Sciences 17 (1), 2011 | 49 | 2011 |
Path analysis of the relationship between various body measures and live weight of American Bronze turkeys under three different lighting programs M Mendes, A Karabayir, A Pala Tarim Bilimleri Dergisi 11 (2), 184-188, 2005 | 48 | 2005 |
Comparison of ANOVA-F and ANOM tests with regard to type I error rate and test power M Mendeş, S Yiğit Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 83 (11), 2093-2104, 2013 | 44 | 2013 |
Effect of short-term divergent selection for 5-week body weight on growth characteristics of Japanese quail S Alkan, M Mendes, K Karabag, MS Balcioglu Arch. Geflügelk 73, 124-131, 2009 | 44 | 2009 |
A simulation based comparison of correlation coefficients with regard to type I error rate and power E Tuğran, M Kocak, H Mirtagioğlu, S Yiğit, M Mendes Journal of Data Analysis and Information Processing 3 (03), 87, 2015 | 41 | 2015 |
The effects of wood vinegar on some soil microorganisms. İ Koç, E Öğün, A NAMLI, M Mendeş, E Kutlu, EN Yardim Applied Ecology & Environmental Research 17 (2), 2019 | 30 | 2019 |
Classification tree method for determining factors that affecting hatchability in Chukar Partridge (Alectoris chukar) eggs K Karabag, S Alkan, M Mendes Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 16 (5), 2010 | 29 | 2010 |
Estimation of parameters of linear and nonlinear growth curve models at early growth stage in California Turkeys IE Ersoy, M Mendeş, S Keskin Archiv fur Geflugelkunde 71 (4), 175-180, 2007 | 29 | 2007 |