Dina Patrisia
Dina Patrisia
Senior Lecturer, Universitas Negeri Padang
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Service quality, religiosity, customer satisfaction, customer engagement and Islamic bank’s customer loyalty
A Abror, D Patrisia, Y Engriani, S Evanita, Y Yasri, S Dastgir
Journal of Islamic Marketing 11 (6), 1691-1705, 2020
The impact of Halal tourism, customer engagement on satisfaction: moderating effect of religiosity
A Abror, Y Wardi, O Trinanda, D Patrisia
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 24 (7), 633-643, 2019
Antecedents of word of mouth in Muslim-friendly tourism marketing: the role of religiosity
A Abror, D Patrisia, O Trinanda, MW Omar, Y Wardi
Journal of Islamic Marketing 12 (4), 882-899, 2021
Pengaruh activity ratio, leverage dan firm growth terhadap financial distress (studi empiris pada perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di BEI Periode 2013-2017)
NH Lubis, D Patrisia
Jurnal Kajian Manajemen Dan Wirausaha 1 (01), 173-182, 2019
The influence of perceived of usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived security on repurchase intention at Tokopedia. com
A Kahar, Y Wardi, D Patrisia
2nd Padang International Conference on Education, Economics, Business and …, 2019
Islamic bank trust: the roles of religiosity, perceived value and satisfaction
A Abror, D Patrisia, Y Engriani, I Idris, S Dastgir
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics 34 (2), 368-384, 2022
Diversification and corporate social performance in manufacturing companies
D Patrisia, S Dastgir
Eurasian Business Review 7, 121-139, 2017
Self-Efficacy, Employee Engagement, Remuneration and Employee Loyalty in Higher Education: The Role of Satisfaction and Ocb
A Abror, D Patrisia, S Syahrizal, R Sarianti, S Dastgir
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 2020
Perceived risk and tourist’s trust: the roles of perceived value and religiosity
A Abror, D Patrisia, Y Engriani, MW Omar, Y Wardi, NMBM Noor, ...
Journal of Islamic Marketing 13 (12), 2742-2758, 2022
The influence of financial literacy, financial self efficacy, and social economic status on financial management behavior on students of the faculty of economics, padang State …
D Patrisia
Financial Management Studies 1 (2), 71-80, 2021
The effect of institutional ownership, capital structure, dividend policy, and company’s growth on firm value (study of property real estate and building construction companies)
RM Sari, D Patrisia
Third Padang International Conference On Economics Education, Economics …, 2019
Pengaruh Kepemilikan Keluarga Dan Kepemilikan Institusional Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan
D Patrisia, H Fitra, L Febrianti
Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Dan Bisnis 4 (2), 1-16, 2019
The impact of intellectual capital and knowledge management on competitive advantage
RP Elda, D Patrisia, MR Linda
Sixth Padang International Conference On Economics Education, Economics …, 2021
The effect of capital structure on company financial performance
N Nini, D Patrisia, A Nurofik
Jurnal Economia 16 (2), 173-183, 2020
The effect of the locus of control, financial knowledge and income on investment decisions
R Rasyid, MR Linda, D Patrisia, H Fitra, Y Susanti
First Padang International Conference On Economics Education, Economics …, 2018
Comparative Analysis of Financial Performance Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic Using Profitability, Liquidity, Solvency and Economic Value Added (EVA) Ratios in Go …
A Wulandari, D Patrisia
Financial Management Studies 1 (4), 47-59, 2021
Psychological Safety and Organisational Performance: A Systematic Literature Review
A Abror, D Patrisia
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 16, 7-21, 2020
The effect of employee engagement and job satisfaction on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)
AS Affandi, D Patrisia, S Syahrizal, A Abror
2nd Padang International Conference on Education, Economics, Business and …, 2019
Generation Z’s financial behaviour: The role of Islamic financial literacy
D Patrisia, A Abror, S Dastgir, R Rahayu
ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance 15 (2), 20-37, 2023
The effect of transformational leadership, quality of work life (QWL) on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) at tapan regional general hospital
D Zurahmi, E Masdupi, D Patrisia
2nd Padang International Conference on Education, Economics, Business and …, 2019
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Articles 1–20