Nicholas Roberts
Nicholas Roberts
Associate Professor, Oregon State University
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Absorptive Capacity and Information Systems Research: Review, Synthesis, and Directions for Future Research
N Roberts, PS Galluch, M Dinger, V Grover
MIS Quarterly 36 (2), 625-648, 2012
Leveraging information technology infrastructure to facilitate a firm's customer agility and competitive activity: An empirical investigation
N Roberts, V Grover
Journal of management information systems 28 (4), 231-270, 2012
Conceptualizing models using multidimensional constructs: a review and guidelines for their use
GL Polites, N Roberts, J Thatcher
European Journal of Information Systems, 2011
Conceptualizing and testing formative constructs: tutorial and annotated example
N Roberts, J Thatcher
ACM SIGMIS Database 40 (3), 9-39, 2009
Investigating firm's customer agility and firm performance: The importance of aligning sense and respond capabilities
N Roberts, V Grover
Journal of business research 65 (5), 579-585, 2012
Building and leveraging information in dynamic environments: The role of IT infrastructure flexibility as enabler of organizational responsiveness and competitive advantage
G Bhatt, A Emdad, N Roberts, V Grover
Information & Management 47 (7-8), 341-349, 2010
Operationalizing multidimensional constructs in structural equation modeling: Recommendations for IS research
RT Wright, DE Campbell, JB Thatcher, N Roberts
Communications of the Association for Information Systems 30 (1), 23, 2012
The role of trust in postadoption IT exploration: An empirical examination of knowledge management systems
JB Thatcher, DH McKnight, EW Baker, RE Arsal, NH Roberts
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 58 (1), 56-70, 2010
Absorptive capacity, organizational antecedents, and environmental dynamism
N Roberts
Journal of Business Research 68 (11), 2426-2433, 2015
Using Information Systems to Sense Opportunities for Innovation: Integrating Postadoptive Use Behaviors with the Dynamic Managerial Capability Perspective
N Roberts, LR Campbell, Damon E., Vijayasarathy
Journal of Management Information Systems 33 (1), 45-69, 2016
Managing software development projects for success: Aligning plan-and agility-based approaches to project complexity and project dynamism
CW Butler, LR Vijayasarathy, N Roberts
Project Management Journal 51 (3), 262-277, 2020
Advancing operations management theory using exploratory structural equation modelling techniques
N Roberts, JB Thatcher, V Grover
International Journal of Production Research 48 (15), 4329-4353, 2010
The role of context in IT assimilation: A multi-method study of a SaaS platform in the US nonprofit sector
RT Wright, N Roberts, D Wilson
European Journal of Information Systems 26 (5), 509-539, 2017
Connecting personality traits to social networking site addiction: the mediating role of motives
A Chen, N Roberts
Information Technology & People 33 (2), 633-656, 2020
The diffusion of second generation statistical techniques in information systems research from 1990-2008
JE Gerow, V Grover, N Roberts, JB Thatcher
Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application (JITTA) 11 (4), 2, 2011
Preliminary evidence for the use and efficacy of mobile health applications in managing posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms
S Keen, N Roberts
Health Systems, 2016
Using information technology mindfully
NH Roberts, JB Thatcher, R Klein
Theory development in information systems research using structural equation modeling: Evaluation and recommendations
N Roberts, V Grover
Handbook of research on contemporary theoretical models in information …, 2009
The Impact of Virtual Customer Community Interactivity on Organizational Innovation: An Absorptive Capacity Perspective
N Roberts, M Dinger
IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 59 (2), 110-125, 2016
A meta-analysis of organizational learning and IT assimilation
N Roberts, JE Gerow, A Jeyaraj, S Roberts
ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems 48 (4 …, 2017
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Articles 1–20