Steve Granger
Steve Granger
John Molson School of Business, Concordia University
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Cited by
Does self-esteem have an interpersonal imprint beyond self-reports? A meta-analysis of self-esteem and objective interpersonal indicators
JJ Cameron, S Granger
Personality and Social Psychology Review 23 (1), 73-102, 2019
Working on my own: Measuring the challenges of gig work
BB Caza, EM Reid, SJ Ashford, S Granger
Human Relations 75 (11), 2122-2159, 2022
Adapting to a jolt: A mixed methods study identifying challenges and personal resources impacting professional gig workers' well-being during COVID-19
S Granger, BB Caza, SJ Ashford, EM Reid
Journal of Vocational Behavior, 103784, 2022
Political knowledge at work: Conceptualization, measurement, and applications to follower proactivity
S Granger, L Neville, N Turner
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 93 (2), 431-471, 2020
Young workers and safety: A critical review and future research agenda
N Turner, C Deng, S Granger, TG Wingate, R Shafqat, PM Dueck
Journal of Safety Research 83, 79-95, 2022
Self-esteem and belongingness
JJ Cameron, S Granger
Encyclopedia of personality and individual differences, 4749-4751, 2020
Adapting, adopting, and advancing change: A framework for future research in the psychology of occupational safety
S Granger, N Turner
Journal of Safety Research 82, 38-47, 2022
Parents’ work injuries and children’s mental health: The moderating role of children’s work centrality
N Turner, S Granger, S Tucker, C Deng, EK Kelloway
Journal of Safety Research 77, 61-66, 2021
The next best safety dollar: Using evidence to decide how to invest in workplace safety
S Granger, N Turner, A Grocutt
Organizational Dynamics 50 (2), 1-10, 2021
Early family socioeconomic status and later leadership role occupancy: A multisource lifespan study
J Barling, S Granger, JG Weatherhead, N Turner, S Pupco
Journal of Organizational Behavior 44 (8), 1129-1144, 2023
Relative influence of senior managers, direct supervisors, and coworkers on employee injuries and safety behaviors
A Grocutt, S Granger, N Turner, M Fordham, N Chmiel
Safety Science 164, 106192, 2023
Job demands-resources (JD-R) theory
S Granger, MRD Stackhouse, BB Caza
A Guide to Key Theories for Human Resource Management Research, 126-132, 2024
Work injuries and mental health challenges: A meta-analysis of the bidirectional relationship
S Granger, N Turner
Personnel Psychology, 2024
Relational infrastructures and gig worker well-being: Social and parasocial interaction rituals
EM Reid, BB Caza, B Lambert, S Granger, EN Trinh, J Nye
Best Paper Proceedings of the 81st Academy of Management 2023, 13033, 2023
How does subjective invulnerability impact young workers’ safety voice?
N Turner, C Deng, S Granger, PM Dueck
Journal of Safety Research, 2023
It's cold outside: Measuring the challenges of independent (gig) work
BB Caza, EM Reid, SJ Ashford, SE Granger
Academy of Management Proceedings 2020 (1), 14129, 2020
Taking note: The development of the follower political knowledge scale
SE Granger, L Neville, N Turner
Academy of Management Proceedings 2016 (1), 16939, 2016
Developing professionally while working independently: Career development of professionals working in the gig economy
EM Reid, SJ Ashford, BB Caza, S Granger
Careers in the Gig Economy, 2024
Assessing psychological distress of healthcare workers with and without work injuries: The role of job control
J Davis, S Granger, N Turner
Journal of Safety Research, 2024
Intersection of intimate partner violence, partner interference, and family supportive supervision on victims’ work withdrawal
C Isola, S Granger, N Turner, MM LeBlanc, J Barling
Occupational Health Science, 2023
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Articles 1–20