Kwong Nui Sim
Kwong Nui Sim
International College of Management Sydney (ICMS)
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Cited by
An assessment arms race and its fallout: high-stakes grading and the case for slow scholarship
T Harland, A McLean, R Wass, E Miller, KN Sim
Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 40 (4), 528-541, 2015
Academic development through a pandemic crisis: Lessons learnt from three cases incorporating technical, pedagogical and social support
M Sumer, T Douglas, KN Sim
Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice 18 (5), 2021
Enhancing the roles of information and communication technologies in doctoral research processes
SJ Stein, KN Sim
International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education 17 (1), 34, 2020
The EdTech difference: Digitalisation, digital pedagogy, and technology enhanced learning
MA Cowling, J Crawford, C Vallis, R Middleton, KN Sim
Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice 19 (2), 1-13, 2022
What student evaluations are not: scholarship of Teaching and Learning using student evaluations
A Ali, J Crawford, L Cejnar, K Harman, KN Sim
Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice 18 (8), 01, 2021
‘Will press lever for food’: behavioural conditioning of students through frequent high-stakes assessment
R Wass, T Harland, A McLean, E Miller, KN Sim
Higher Education Research & Development 34 (6), 1324-1326, 2015
Do undergraduates use their personal computers to support learning?
KN Sim, R Butson
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 103, 330-339, 2013
Reaching the unreached: de-mystifying the role of ICT in the process of doctoral research
KN Sim, S Stein
Research in Learning Technology 24, 2016
To What Degree Are Undergraduate Students Using Their Personal Computers to Support Their Daily Study Practices?.
KN Sim, R Butson
IAFOR Journal of Education 2 (1), 158-171, 2014
ICT use in doctoral research
KN Sim
New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies 57 (1), 253-267, 2022
Change, agency, and boundary spanning in dynamic contexts
H Huijser, KN Sim, P Felten
International Journal for Academic Development 25 (2), 91-93, 2020
The role of personal computers in undergraduate education
R Butson, KN Sim
International Journal of Digital Literacy and Digital Competence (IJDLDC) 4 …, 2013
The human teacher, the AI teacher and the AIED-Teacher relationship.
J Koh, M Cowling, M Jha, KN Sim
Journal of Higher Education Theory & Practice 23 (17), 2023
Academic development in times of crisis
H Huijser, KN Sim
International Journal for Academic Development 27 (2), 111-113, 2022
Diversity matters: academic development in times of uncertainty and beyond
KN Sim, JA Timmermans, TXP Zou
International Journal for Academic Development 25 (3), 201-204, 2020
Exploring Undergraduates' Perceptions of White board and PowerPoint Lecture Style Presentations: A Case Study in Malaysia.
VCL Yee, KN Sim, YJ Ng, LM Low, ST Chong
Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities 25 (2), 2017
Researching distance education: A possibility to humanize it
KN Sim
Handbook of research on humanizing the distance learning experience, 26-47, 2017
An investigation into the way PhD students utilise ICT to support their doctoral research process
KN Sim
University of Otago, 2016
A proposal to measure the impact of automated response systems on meeting student learning outcomes
J Koh, M Cowling, M Jha, KN Sim
ASCILITE Publications, 149-154, 2021
Collaborating with AIed for better student-teacher reconnection
J Koh, M Cowling, M Jha, KN Sim
ASCILITE Publications, e22126-e22126, 2022
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Articles 1–20