Marianne Forman
Marianne Forman
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Cited by
Organising environmental supply chain management: experience from a sector with frequent product shifts and complex product chains: the case of the Danish textile sector
M Forman, MS Jørgensen
Greener Management International, 43-62, 2004
The social shaping of the participation of employees in environmental work within enterprises-experiences from a Danish context
M Forman, MS J⊘ rgensen
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 13 (1), 71-90, 2001
Inertia and change: lean construction and health and safety work on construction sites
M Forman
Construction management and economics 31 (6), 647-660, 2013
Clients shaping construction innovation
K Haugbølle, M Forman, F Bougrain
Construction innovation, 119-133, 2014
Lean Construction and Helath and Safety on Site: Analysed in a planning and empowerment perspective
M Forman
ARCOM Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference, 223-232, 2010
Green supply chain management strategies-experiences from the Danish textile sector
M Forman, MS Jørgensen
IPL, 2001
Driving sustainable innovation through procurement of complex products and systems in construction
K Haugbølle, M Forman, SC Gottlieb
Proceedings of the Joint CIB International Conference: Management of …, 2012
Evaluering af erfaringer med nuværende BST-ordninger
PT Aldrich, M Forman, G Holm, LB Mathiesen
Teknologisk Institut, 1999
Environmental management in product chains
MS Jørgensen, M Forman
Supply Chain Management and Knowledge Management: Integrating Critical …, 2009
Netværk og forankring i områdebaseret byfornyelse
JO Jensen, LA Engberg, M Forman, V Suenson
SBI forlag, 2010
The shaping of environmental concern in product chains: Analysing Danish case studies on environmental aspects in product chain relations
M Forman, AG Hansen, MS Jørgensen
Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Management, DTU, 2003
The role of clients/end-users in the innovation of detached houses
M Forman, K Haugbolle
ARCOM, 2011
Håndbog om medarbejderdeltagelse i miljøarbejde
M Forman, MS Jørgensen
København, Teknologisk Institut & Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, 2000
Corporate environmental competence: The effects of networking, organisational learning and preventive strategies
M Forman, MS Jørgensen
IPL, 2000
Coupling project and business processes: exemplified by defects and arbitration
K Haugbølle, M Forman
6th Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organisation-Shaping the …, 2011
Partnering, lean construction and health and safety work on the construction site: Co-players or opponents?
M Forman, S Laustsen, SC Gottlieb
Proceedings of the 6th Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and …, 2011
Shaping concepts, practices and strategies: arbitration and expert appraisals on defects
K Haugbølle, M Forman
Organization, technology & management in construction: an international …, 2009
TRANS-USERS: Transforming construction by user-driven innovation
M Forman, K Haugbølle, F Bougrain
SBI forlag, 2009
The Co-Construction of Clients, Concepts and Companies. I: Pietroforte, Roberto; De Angelis, Enrico & Polverino, Francesco
K Haugbølle, M Forman
Construction in the XXI Century: Local and global challenges, 1-12, 2006
Co-construction of clients, concepts and companies
K Haugbølle, M Forman
Construction in the XXI century: Local and global challenges: Oriceedings of …, 2006
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Articles 1–20