Tom Thaler
Tom Thaler
Institute for Information Systems (IWi) at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) and Saarland University
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Cited by
Report: The process model matching contest 2013
U Cayoglu, R Dijkman, M Dumas, P Fettke, L García-Bañuelos, P Hake, ...
Business Process Management Workshops: BPM 2013 International Workshops …, 2014
The process model matching contest 2015
G Antunes, M Bakhshandeh, J Borbinha, J Cardoso, S Dadashnia, ...
GI-Edition: Lecture Notes in Informatics. Proceedings 248, 127-155, 2015
Similarity of business process models—a state-of-the-art analysis
A Schoknecht, T Thaler, P Fettke, A Oberweis, R Laue
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 50 (4), 1-33, 2017
A comparative analysis of process instance cluster techniques
T Thaler, SF Ternis, P Fettke, P Loos
Mining Process Models from Natural Language Text: A State-of-the-Art Analysis
M Riefer, SF Ternis, T Thaler
Clustering Traces using Sequence Alignment
J Evermann, T Thaler, P Fettke
Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Business Process …, 2015
A comparative analysis of business process model similarity measures
T Thaler, A Schoknecht, P Fettke, A Oberweis, R Laue
Business Process Management Workshops: BPM 2016 International Workshops, Rio …, 2017
Evaluating the Evaluation of Process Matching Techniques.
T Thaler, P Hake, P Fettke, P Loos
MKWI, 1600-1612, 2014
The IWi process model corpus
T Thaler, S Dadashnia, A Sonntag, P Fettke, P Loos
Towards usability mining
T Thaler
Gesellschaft für Informatik eV, 2014
Itil process and impact analysis at rabobank ict
T Thaler, S Knoch, N Krivograd, P Fettke, P Loos
BPI Challenge, 2014
Process Mining—Fallstudie leginda. de
T Thaler, P Fettke, P Loos
HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 50, 56-65, 2013
Mining the Usability of Business Process Modeling Tools: Concept and Case Study
T Thaler, D Maurer, V De Angelis, P Fettke, P Loos
Ein hybrider Projektmanagementansatz für das regulierte Umfeld
K Lorenz, A Fiedler, T Thaler
Gesellschaft für Informatik eV, 2016
Identification of business process models in a digital world
P Loos, P Fettke, J Walter, T Thaler, P Ardalani
BPM-Driving Innovation in a Digital World, 155-174, 2015
The need for process model corpora
T Thaler, J Walter, P Ardalani, P Fettke, P Loos
FMI 2014-Free Models Initiative Workshop Proceedings, 14, 2014
Automated Assessment of Process Modeling Exams: Basic Ideas and Prototypical Implementation
T Thaler, C Houy, P Fettke, P Loos
Mining the Usability of Process-Oriented Business Software: The Case of the ARIS Designer of Software AG
T Thaler, S Norek, V De Angelis, D Maurer, P Fettke, P Loos
Business Process Management Cases: Digital Innovation and Business …, 2018
Evaluation automatisierter Ansätze für die Bewertung von Modellierungsaufgaben
M Fellmann, P Fettke, C Houy, P Loos, A Oberweis, A Schoknecht, ...
Gesellschaft für Informatik eV, 2016
Development And Usage Of A Process Model Corpus
J Walter, T Thaler, P Ardalani, P Fettke, P Loos
Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XXVI, 437-448, 2014
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Articles 1–20