Allyson Holbrook
Allyson Holbrook
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Telephone versus face-to-face interviewing of national probability samples with long questionnaires: Comparisons of respondent satisficing and social desirability response bias
AL Holbrook, MC Green, JA Krosnick
Public opinion quarterly 67 (1), 79-125, 2003
The impact of" no opinion" response options on data quality: non-attitude reduction or an invitation to satisfice?
JA Krosnick, AL Holbrook, MK Berent, RT Carson, W Michael Hanemann, ...
Public Opinion Quarterly 66 (3), 371-403, 2002
Social desirability bias in voter turnout reports: Tests using the item count technique
AL Holbrook, JA Krosnick
Public opinion quarterly 74 (1), 37-67, 2010
The causes and consequences of response rates in surveys by the news media and government contractor survey research firms
AL Holbrook, JA Krosnick, A Pfent
Advances in telephone survey methodology, 499-528, 2007
The origins and consequences of democratic citizens' policy agendas: A study of popular concern about global warming
JA Krosnick, AL Holbrook, L Lowe, PS Visser
Climatic change 77 (1), 7-43, 2006
The impact of the fall 1997 debate about global warming onAmerican public opinion
JA Krosnick, AL Holbrook, PS Visser
Public Understanding of Science 9 (3), 239, 2000
Attitude importance and the accumulation of attitude-relevant knowledge in memory.
AL Holbrook, MK Berent, JA Krosnick, PS Visser, DS Boninger
Journal of personality and social psychology 88 (5), 749, 2005
Response order effects in dichotomous categorical questions presented orally: The impact of question and respondent attributes
AL Holbrook, JA Krosnick, D Moore, R Tourangeau
Public opinion quarterly 71 (3), 325-348, 2007
Attitudes toward presidential candidates and political parties: Initial optimism, inertial first impressions, and a focus on flaws
AL Holbrook, JA Krosnick, PS Visser, WL Gardner, JT Cacioppo
American Journal of Political Science, 930-950, 2001
The impact of personality on cognitive, behavioral, and affective political processes: The effects of need to evaluate
GY Bizer, JA Krosnick, AL Holbrook, S Christian Wheeler, DD Rucker, ...
Journal of personality 72 (5), 995-1028, 2004
The impact of question and respondent characteristics on comprehension and mapping difficulties
A Holbrook, YI Cho, T Johnson
International Journal of Public Opinion Quarterly 70 (4), 565-595, 2006
Measuring voter turnout by using the randomized response technique: Evidence calling into question the method’s validity
AL Holbrook, JA Krosnick
Public Opinion Quarterly 74 (2), 328-343, 2010
Culture moderates the relation between perceived stress, social support, and mental and physical health
S Shavitt, YI Cho, TP Johnson, D Jiang, A Holbrook, M Stavrakantonaki
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 47 (7), 956-980, 2016
Support of workplace diversity policies: The role of race, gender, and beliefs about inequality
WJ Scarborough, DL Lambouths III, AL Holbrook
Social Science Research 79, 194-210, 2019
Survey response styles across cultures.
TP Johnson, S Shavitt, AL Holbrook
Cambridge University Press, 2011
Using community-level correlates to evaluate nonresponse effects in a telephone survey
TP Johnson, YI Cho, RT Campbell, AL Holbrook
International Journal of Public Opinion Quarterly 70 (5), 704-719, 2006
Violating conversational conventions disrupts cognitive processing of attitude questions
AL Holbrook, JA Krosnick, RT Carson, RC Mitchell
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 36 (5), 465-494, 2000
New South Wales Child Development Study (NSW-CDS): an Australian multiagency, multigenerational, longitudinal record linkage study
VJ Carr, F Harris, A Raudino, L Luo, M Kariuki, E Liu, S Tzoumakis, ...
BMJ open 6 (2), e009023, 2016
Acquiescence response bias
A Holbrook
Encyclopedia of survey research methods 1, 3-4, 2008
Cultural variability in the effects of question design features on respondent comprehension of health surveys
TP Johnson, YI Cho, AL Holbrook, D O'Rourke, RB Warnecke, N Chavez
Annals of Epidemiology 16 (9), 661-668, 2006
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Articles 1–20