Nicholas Athanassiou
Nicholas Athanassiou
Associate Professor, International Business and Strategy, D'Amore McKim School of Business, Northeastern University, Boston, MA,
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Founder centrality and strategic behavior in the family-owned firm
LM Kelly, N Athanassiou, WF Crittenden
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 25 (2), 27-42, 2000
Critical thinking in the management classroom: Bloom's taxonomy as a learning tool
N Athanassiou, JM McNett, C Harvey
Journal of Management Education 27 (5), 533-555, 2003
Internationalization, tacit knowledge and the top management teams of MNCs
N Athanassiou, D Nigh
Journal of international business studies 31, 471-487, 2000
The impact of US company internationalization on top management team advice networks: A tacit knowledge perspective
N Athanassiou, D Nigh
Strategic management journal 20 (1), 83-92, 1999
Founder centrality effects on the Mexican family firm’s top management group: Firm culture, strategic vision and goals, and firm performance
N Athanassiou, WF Crittenden, LM Kelly, P Marquez
Journal of World Business 37 (2), 139-150, 2002
The impact of the top management team's international business experience on the firm's internationalization: Social networks at work
N Athanassiou, D Nigh
MIR: Management International Review, 157-181, 2002
So you want to be a global project leader?
G Barczak, EF McDonough, N Athanassiou
Research-Technology Management 49 (3), 28-35, 2006
International strategy research: Cross-cultural methodology implications
S Samiee, N Athanassiou
Journal of Business Research 43 (2), 79-96, 1998
National culture as a moderator of the relationship between managers’ use of guidance sources and how well work events are handled
PB Smith, MF Peterson, SJ Thomason
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 42 (6), 1101-1121, 2011
Designing the knowledge-management infrastructure for virtual teams: Building and using social networks and social capital
ML Maznevski, NA Athanassiou
Virtual teams that work: Creating conditions for virtual team effectiveness …, 2003
International experience heterogeneity effects on top management team advice networks: A hierarchical analysis
NA Athanassiou, K Roth
Management International Review 46, 749-770, 2006
Networking for global new product innovation
EF McDonough III, N Athanassiou, G Barczak
International Journal of Business Innovation and Research 1 (1-2), 9-26, 2006
Guest editors' introduction to the focused issue: A new direction for global teams research
ML Maznevski, NA Athanassiou
MIR: Management International Review, 631-645, 2006
Exploring business ethics research in the context of international business
CJ Robertson, N Athanassiou
Management Research News 32 (12), 1130-1146, 2009
Bringing the outside in
M Maznevski, N Athanassiou
Knowledge creation and management: New challenges for managers, 71-72, 2007
Managing knowledge in global organizations
T Kostova, N Athanassiou, I Berdrow
The Blackwell Handbook of Global Management, 273-288, 2017
Social structures and personal values that predict e-mail use: An international comparative study
MF Peterson, SJ Thomason, N Althouse, N Athanassiou, G Curri, ...
Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM) 18 (2), 57-84, 2010
International management research and social networks
N Athanassiou
Connections 22 (2), 12-21, 1999
Regional and global alliance network structures of triad multinational enterprises
ER Banalieva, N Athanassiou
Multinational Business Review 18 (1), 1-24, 2010
Global teams in a multinational enterprise: a social capital and social networks perspective
ML Maznevski, NA Athanassiou, L Zander
6th Organization, 2000
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Articles 1–20