Philip Raeth
Philip Raeth
palleos healthcare
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Cited by
Towards assessing the success of social software in corporate environments
P Raeth, S Smolnik, N Urbach, C Zimmer
Determining the factors influencing enterprise social software usage: Development of a measurement instrument for empirical assessment
M Kügler, S Smolnik, P Raeth
2013 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 3635-3644, 2013
Why don’t you use it? Assessing the determinants of enterprise social software usage: a conceptual model integrating innovation diffusion and social capital theories
M Kügler, S Smolnik, P Raeth
The adoption of Web 2.0 in corporations: A process perspective
P Raeth, N Urbach, S Smolnik, BS Butler, P Königs
Antecedents and consequences of corporate weblog usage in the intranet: A process perspective
P Raeth, S Smolnik
2010 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1-10, 2010
Measuring the Impact of Organizational Social WebSite Usage on Work Performance: A MultilevelModel
P Raeth, M Kügler, S Smolnik
Corporate adoption of social computing: a process-based analysis
P Raeth, N Urbach, S Smolnik, B Butler
Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research 14 (2), 3-27, 2012
The impact of organizational social web site usage on work performance: A multilevel structural interaction perspective
P Raeth, M Kugler, S Smolnik
2012 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 4011-4020, 2012
On the methodological and philosophical challenges of sociomaterial theorizing: an overview of competing conceptualizations
B Mueller, P Raeth, S Faraj, K Kautz, D Robey, U Schultze
What you see is what you get?–a comparison of theoretical lenses to study technology in organizations
B Mueller, P Raeth
Erfolgsdimensionen von Social Software: Eine fallstudienbasierte Untersuchung
M Steinhüser, P Räth
Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2010, 345, 2010
Corporate adoption of web 2.0: Challenges, success, and impact
P Raeth, S Smolnik, N Urbach, BS Butler
Proceedings of the 15th AMCIS, San Francisco, CA, 2009
Conceptualizing a very rich usage construct to measure the impact of organizational social web site usage on individual performance
P Raeth, S Smolnik, M Kuegler
Technology in Work and Non-Work Life: Two Sides of a Coin?
P Räth, B Mueller
Academy of Management Proceedings 2012 (1), 18025, 2012
The interaction of organizational structures and technologies-in-practice: A structuralist analysis
P Raeth, B Müller, S Smolnik
Weblogs in der internen Zusammenarbeit der GTZ
P Räth, JA Schwaab, S Smolnik, N Urbach
HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 46 (3), 27-36, 2009
ABB AG: Blog und Wiki in der Unternehmenskommunikation
M Steinhüser, P Räth
Universität der Bundeswehr München, 2010
Enterprise 2.0-Ein Beitrag zur Verringerung der soziotechnischen Kluft?
M Steinhüser, P Räth
Logos Verlag, 2009
Towards a Model of Employee Weblog Usage: A Process-Oriented Analysis of Antecedents and Consequences
P Raeth, S Smolnik
Integrations of Technology Utilization and Social Dynamics in Organizations …, 2013
Towards a Model of Employee Weblog Usage: A Process-oriented Analysis of Antecedents and Consequences
P Raeth, S Smolnik
International Journal of Social and Organizational Dynamics in IT (IJSODIT …, 2011
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Articles 1–20