Predrag Brlek
Predrag Brlek
Izvanredni profesor, Fakultet prometnih znanosti
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Teorija i organizacija prometnih tokova
I Dadić, G Kos, M Ševrović, D Budimir
Skripta, Fakultet prometnih znanosti, Zagreb, 2007
Prometno tehnološko projektiranje (autorizirana predavanja, radna verzija)
P Brlek, I Dadić, M Šoštarić
Fakultet prometnih znanosti, Zagreb, 2012
Mobility as a Service (MaaS) as a Sustainability Concept for Tourist Destinations
I Martinčević, P Brlek, N Domjan Kačarević
Sustainability 14 (12), 7512, 2022
Smjernice za projektiranje i opremanje raskrižja kružnog oblika-rotora
I Dadić, T Tollazzi, I Legac, M Čičak, V Marić, G Kos, P Brlek
Institut prometa i veza, 2001
Economic effects of transport sectors on Croatian economy: an input–output approach
D Keček, P Brlek, K Buntak
Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja 35 (1), 2023-2038, 2022
Prometno tehnološko projektiranje
I Dadić, M Šoštarić, P Brlek
Autorizirana predavanja, Zagreb, 2012
Rationalization of Public Road Passenger Transport by Merging Bus Lines on the Example of Zadar County
G Kos, P Brlek, I Franolić
PROMET-Traffic&Transportation 24 (4), 323-334, 2012
Economic aspects of the Covid 19 pandemic on external transport costs
P Brlek, I Cvitkovic, I Martincevic, G Kos
Economic and Social Development: Book of Proceedings, 73-82, 2020
Costs and benefits of deploying Cooperative intelligent transport systems in the European union
P Brlek, I Cvitković, A Globočnik-Žunac
Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference" Science and Traffic …, 2019
Shared Space Concept in Urban Area
P Brlek, L Krpan, D Grgurević
Proceedings of the International Conference on Road and Rail Infrastructure …, 2018
Shared Space Concept in Local Communities: Case Study
G Kos, P Brlek, K Vidović
8th International Conference" Road Safety in Local Communities", Valjevo …, 2013
Development and potentials of sports-recreational aviation and avio tourism in Croatia
G Kos, D Krasić, P Feletar, P Brlek
Tourism: An International Interdisciplinary Journal 67 (4), 438-450, 2019
Sustav javnih bicikala kao pokazatelj uspješne održive mobilnosti u gradovima
P Brlek, L Krpan, R Maršanić, I Cvitković
Korema-Automatizacija u prometu, 2018
Increase the safety of road traffic accidents by applying clustering
G Kos, P Brlek, K Meic, K Vidovic
Romanian journal of transport infrastructure 2 (2), 45-51, 2013
Application of Changeable Message Signs in Traffic
I Dadić, G Kos, P Brlek
PROMET-Traffic&Transportation 15 (5), 307-314, 2003
The Impact Of The Internet Of Things And Artificial Intelligence On The Supply Chain
K Buntak, P Brlek, B Cesarec
Business Logistics in Modern Management 21, 369-383, 2021
Analysis of traffic accidents of young drivers in urban areas and measures to increase safety
P Brlek, L Krpan, I Cvitković, K Lukačić
Journal of Road and Traffic Engineering 66 (1), 25-28, 2020
Sustavi javnih bicikala u hrvatskim gradovima
P Brlek, K Ljudevit, P Saša, K Goran
U: CESTE 43, 2019
Metoda sanacije opasnih mjesta na cestama uz pomoć georeferenciranoga videozapisa
P Brlek
University of Zagreb. Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences., 2017
Metode centralne projekcije prometne signalizacije na cestama
P Brlek
Magistarski znanstveni rad, Fakultet prometnih znanosti, Zagreb, Hrvatska, 2004
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Articles 1–20