The role of gender stereotypes in perceptions of entrepreneurs and intentions to become an entrepreneur VK Gupta, DB Turban, SA Wasti, A Sikdar Entrepreneurship theory and practice 33 (2), 397-417, 2009 | 1701 | 2009 |
Organizational commitment, turnover intentions and the influence of cultural values SA Wasti Journal of Occupational and organizational Psychology 76 (3), 303-321, 2003 | 809 | 2003 |
Commitment profiles: Combinations of organizational commitment forms and job outcomes SA Wasti Journal of vocational behavior 67 (2), 290-308, 2005 | 643 | 2005 |
Affective and continuance commitment to the organization: Test of an integrated model in the Turkish context SA Wasti International Journal of Intercultural Relations 26 (5), 525-550, 2002 | 580 | 2002 |
Precarious manhood and displays of physical aggression JK Bosson, JA Vandello, RM Burnaford, JR Weaver, S Arzu Wasti Personality and social psychology bulletin 35 (5), 623-634, 2009 | 560 | 2009 |
Meyer ve Allen’in üç boyutlu örgütsel bağlılık ölçeğinin geçerlilik ve güvenilirlik analizi, 8 SA Wasti 8. Ulusal Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi, 401-410, 2000 | 447 | 2000 |
Profiles in coping: responses to sexual harassment across persons, organizations, and cultures. LM Cortina, SA Wasti Journal of Applied Psychology 90 (1), 182, 2005 | 355 | 2005 |
Organizational individualism and collectivism: Theoretical development and an empirical test of a measure C Robert, SA Wasti Journal of Management 28 (4), 544-566, 2002 | 341 | 2002 |
Örgütsel bağlılığı belirleyen evrensel ve kültürel etmenler: Türk kültürüne bir bakış SA Wasti Türkiye’de yönetim, liderlik ve insan kaynakları uygulamaları 1, 2000 | 276 | 2000 |
Culture and deception in business negotiations: A multilevel analysis HC Triandis, P Carnevale, M Gelfand, C Robert, SA Wasti, T Probst, ... International Journal of Cross Cultural Management 1 (1), 73-90, 2001 | 269 | 2001 |
Affective and normative commitment to organization, supervisor, and coworkers: Do collectivist values matter? SA Wasti, Ö Can Journal of vocational behavior 73 (3), 404-413, 2008 | 253 | 2008 |
Coping in context: Sociocultural determinants of responses to sexual harassment. SA Wasti, LM Cortina Journal of personality and social psychology 83 (2), 394, 2002 | 247 | 2002 |
Cultural barriers in the transferability of Japanese and American human resources practices to developing countries: the Turkish case SA Wasti International journal of human resource Management 9 (4), 608-631, 1998 | 239 | 1998 |
Test of the cross-cultural generalizability of a model of sexual harassment. SA Wasti, ME Bergman, TM Glomb, F Drasgow Journal of Applied Psychology 85 (5), 766, 2000 | 232 | 2000 |
Bireycilik ve toplulukçuluk değerlerinin ölçülmesi: Benlik kurgusu ve INDCOL ölçeklerinin Türkçe geçerlemesi SA Wasti, S Eser Erdil Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi 7, 39-66, 2007 | 228 | 2007 |
Cross-cultural measurement of supervisor trustworthiness: An assessment of measurement invariance across three cultures SA Wasti, HH Tan, HH Brower, Ç Önder The Leadership Quarterly 18 (5), 477-489, 2007 | 190 | 2007 |
Örgüt kültürü ve girişimcilik yönelimi ilişkisi AM Fiş, SA Wasti METU Studies In Development (Muhan Soysal Special Issue) 35, 127-164, 2009 | 169 | 2009 |
Antecedents of trust across foci: a comparative study of Turkey and China SA Wasti, HH Tan, SE Erdil Management and Organization Review, 2010 | 151 | 2010 |
Türkiye'de akademik bir inceleme alanı olarak personel veya" insan kaynakları" yönetimi, 1972-1999 B Üsdiken, SA Wasti Amme İdaresi Dergisi 35 (3), 1-37, 2002 | 127 | 2002 |
Örgütsel adalet kavramı ve tercüme bir ölçeğin Türkçe'de güvenirlik ve geçerlik analizi SA Wasti Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi 1, 33-50, 2001 | 121 | 2001 |