S. Arzu Wasti
S. Arzu Wasti
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Cited by
The role of gender stereotypes in perceptions of entrepreneurs and intentions to become an entrepreneur
VK Gupta, DB Turban, SA Wasti, A Sikdar
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 33 (2), 397-417, 2009
Organizational commitment, turnover intentions and the influence of cultural values
SA Wasti
Journal of Occupational and organizational Psychology 76 (3), 303-321, 2003
Commitment profiles: Combinations of organizational commitment forms and job outcomes
SA Wasti
Journal of vocational behavior 67 (2), 290-308, 2005
Affective and continuance commitment to the organization: Test of an integrated model in the Turkish context
SA Wasti
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 26 (5), 525-550, 2002
Precarious manhood and displays of physical aggression
JK Bosson, JA Vandello, RM Burnaford, JR Weaver, S Arzu Wasti
Personality and social psychology bulletin 35 (5), 623-634, 2009
Meyer ve Allen’in üç boyutlu örgütsel bağlılık ölçeğinin geçerlilik ve güvenilirlik analizi, 8
SA Wasti
8. Ulusal Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi, 401-410, 2000
Profiles in coping: responses to sexual harassment across persons, organizations, and cultures.
LM Cortina, SA Wasti
Journal of Applied Psychology 90 (1), 182, 2005
Organizational individualism and collectivism: Theoretical development and an empirical test of a measure
C Robert, SA Wasti
Journal of Management 28 (4), 544-566, 2002
Örgütsel bağlılığı belirleyen evrensel ve kültürel etmenler: Türk kültürüne bir bakış
SA Wasti
Türkiye’de yönetim, liderlik ve insan kaynakları uygulamaları 1, 2000
Culture and deception in business negotiations: A multilevel analysis
HC Triandis, P Carnevale, M Gelfand, C Robert, SA Wasti, T Probst, ...
International Journal of Cross Cultural Management 1 (1), 73-90, 2001
Affective and normative commitment to organization, supervisor, and coworkers: Do collectivist values matter?
SA Wasti, Ö Can
Journal of vocational behavior 73 (3), 404-413, 2008
Coping in context: Sociocultural determinants of responses to sexual harassment.
SA Wasti, LM Cortina
Journal of personality and social psychology 83 (2), 394, 2002
Cultural barriers in the transferability of Japanese and American human resources practices to developing countries: the Turkish case
SA Wasti
International journal of human resource Management 9 (4), 608-631, 1998
Test of the cross-cultural generalizability of a model of sexual harassment.
SA Wasti, ME Bergman, TM Glomb, F Drasgow
Journal of Applied Psychology 85 (5), 766, 2000
Bireycilik ve toplulukçuluk değerlerinin ölçülmesi: Benlik kurgusu ve INDCOL ölçeklerinin Türkçe geçerlemesi
SA Wasti, S Eser Erdil
Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi 7, 39-66, 2007
Cross-cultural measurement of supervisor trustworthiness: An assessment of measurement invariance across three cultures
SA Wasti, HH Tan, HH Brower, Ç Önder
The Leadership Quarterly 18 (5), 477-489, 2007
Örgüt kültürü ve girişimcilik yönelimi ilişkisi
AM Fiş, SA Wasti
METU Studies In Development (Muhan Soysal Special Issue) 35, 127-164, 2009
Antecedents of trust across foci: a comparative study of Turkey and China
SA Wasti, HH Tan, SE Erdil
Management and Organization Review, 2010
Türkiye'de akademik bir inceleme alanı olarak personel veya" insan kaynakları" yönetimi, 1972-1999
B Üsdiken, SA Wasti
Amme İdaresi Dergisi 35 (3), 1-37, 2002
Örgütsel adalet kavramı ve tercüme bir ölçeğin Türkçe'de güvenirlik ve geçerlik analizi
SA Wasti
Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi 1, 33-50, 2001
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