Anders E W Jarfors
Anders E W Jarfors
Jönköping University, School of Engineering, Materials and Manufacturing
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Metal casting
A Jarfors, S Seifeddine
Springer, 2014
Porosity formation and gas bubble retention in laser metal deposition
GKL Ng, AEW Jarfors, G Bi, HY Zheng
Applied Physics A 97, 641-649, 2009
Aluminum and magnesium metal matrix nanocomposites
L Ceschini, A Dahle, M Gupta, AEW Jarfors, S Jayalakshmi, A Morri, ...
Springer Singapore, 2017
Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis and liquid-phase sintering of TiC/Fe composites
P Persson, AEW Jarfors, S Savage
Journal of materials processing technology 127 (2), 131-139, 2002
Experimental analysis of the intermediary phases AlB2, AlB12 and TiB2 in the Al–B and Al–Ti–B systems
J Fjellstedt, AEW Jarfors, L Svendsen
Journal of alloys and compounds 283 (1-2), 192-197, 1999
Characterisation of a duplex TiO2/CaP coating on Ti6Al4V for hard tissue replacement
BS Ng, I Annergren, AM Soutar, KA Khor, AEW Jarfors
Biomaterials 26 (10), 1087-1095, 2005
On the reaction between aluminium, K2TiF6 and KBF4
N El-Mahallawy, MA Taha, AEW Jarfors, H Fredriksson
Journal of alloys and compounds 292 (1-2), 221-229, 1999
Progressive microforming process: towards the mass production of micro-parts using sheet metal
E Ghassemali, MJ Tan, AEW Jarfors, SCV Lim
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 66, 611-621, 2013
A new semi-solid casting technique for fabricating SiC-reinforced Mg alloys matrix composites
M Esmaily, N Mortazavi, JE Svensson, M Halvarsson, M Wessén, ...
Composites Part B: Engineering 94, 176-189, 2016
High temperature tensile deformation behavior and failure mechanisms of an Al–Si–Cu–Mg cast alloy—The microstructural scale effect
M Zamani, S Seifeddine, AEW Jarfors
Materials & design 86, 361-370, 2015
On the precipitation of TiB2 in aluminum melts from the reaction with KBF4 and K2TiF6
J Fjellstedt, AEW Jarfors
Materials Science and Engineering: A 413, 527-532, 2005
AEW Jarfors, H Keife, CM Nicolescu
Institutionen för materialens processteknologi, Kungliga tekniska högskolan, 1998
Solid state synthesis of nanocrystalline and/or amorphous 50Ni–50Ti alloy
YW Gu, CW Goh, LS Goi, CS Lim, AEW Jarfors, BY Tay, MS Yong
Materials Science and Engineering: A 392 (1-2), 222-228, 2005
A study of the cutting performance of poly-crystalline oxygen free copper with single crystalline diamond micro-tools
X Ding, AEW Jarfors, GC Lim, KC Shaw, YC Liu, LJ Tang
Precision engineering 36 (1), 141-152, 2012
A study of formation and growth of the anodised surface layer on cast Al-Si alloys based on different analytical techniques
B Zhu, S Seifeddine, POÅ Persson, AEW Jarfors, P Leisner, C Zanella
Materials & design 101, 254-262, 2016
Formability in AA5083 and AA6061 alloys for light weight applications
J Liu, MJ Tan, S Castagne
Materials & Design 31, S66-S70, 2010
On the microstructure and corrosion behavior of AZ91/SiC composites produced by rheocasting
M Esmaily, N Mortazavi, JE Svensson, M Halvarsson, AEW Jarfors, ...
Materials Chemistry and Physics 180, 29-37, 2016
In vitro corrosion behaviors of Mg67Zn28Ca5 alloy: from amorphous to crystalline
Y Wang, MJ Tan, J Pang, Z Wang, AWE Jarfors
Materials Chemistry and Physics 134 (2-3), 1079-1087, 2012
Al–Ti–C phase diagram
L Svendsen, A Jarfors
Materials science and technology 9 (11), 948-957, 1993
On the thermodynamics and kinetics of carbides in the aluminium-rich corner of the Al Ti C phase diagram
A Jarfors, H Fredriksson, L Froyen
Materials Science and Engineering: A 135, 119-123, 1991
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Articles 1–20