Joost M.E. Pennings
Joost M.E. Pennings
Professor Marketing, Professor Finance, Wageningen University, Maastricht University, University of
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Individual investor perceptions and behavior during the financial crisis
AOI Hoffmann, T Post, JME Pennings
Journal of Banking & Finance 37 (1), 60-74, 2013
A note on modeling consumer reactions to a crisis: The case of the mad cow disease
JME Pennings, B Wansink, MTG Meulenberg
International Journal of research in marketing 19 (1), 91-100, 2002
Assessing the construct validity of risk attitude
JME Pennings, A Smidts
Management Science 46 (10), 1337-1348, 2000
The shape of utility functions and organizational behavior
JME Pennings, A Smidts
Management Science 49 (9), 1251-1263, 2003
Measuring producers' risk preferences: A global risk‐attitude construct
JME Pennings, P Garcia
American journal of agricultural economics 83 (4), 993-1009, 2001
The role of farmers' behavioral attitudes and heterogeneity in futures contracts usage
JME Pennings, RM Leuthold
American journal of agricultural economics 82 (4), 908-919, 2000
The validity of attribute-importance measurement: A review
K Van Ittersum, JME Pennings, B Wansink, HCM Van Trijp
Journal of Business Research 60 (11), 1177-1190, 2007
How investor perceptions drive actual trading and risk-taking behavior
AOI Hoffmann, T Post, JME Pennings
Journal of Behavioral Finance 16 (1), 94-103, 2015
Surveying farmers: A case study
JME Pennings, SH Irwin, DL Good
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 24 (1), 266-277, 2002
Consumer food safety risk perceptions and attitudes: impacts on beef consumption across countries
TC Schroeder, GT Tonsor, JME Pennings, J Mintert
The BE Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 7 (1), 2007
Channel contract behavior: The role of risk attitudes, risk perceptions, and channel members' market structures
JME Pennings, B Wansink
The journal of business 77 (4), 697-724, 2004
Understanding producers' motives for adopting sustainable practices: the role of expected rewards, risk perception and risk tolerance
A Trujillo-Barrera, JME Pennings, D Hofenk
European Review of Agricultural Economics 43 (3), 359-382, 2016
Hedging behavior in small and medium-sized enterprises: The role of unobserved heterogeneity
JME Pennings, P Garcia
Journal of Banking & Finance 28 (5), 951-978, 2004
Hedging efficiency: a futures exchange management approach
JME Pennings, MTG Meulenberg
Journal of Futures Markets: Futures, Options, and Other Derivative Products …, 1997
Factors impacting food safety risk perceptions
GT Tonsor, TC Schroeder, JME Pennings
Journal of Agricultural Economics 60 (3), 625-644, 2009
Cooperatives’ organizational restructuring, strategic attributes, and performance: The case of agribusiness cooperatives in Greece
T Benos, N Kalogeras, FJHM Verhees, P Sergaki, JME Pennings
Agribusiness 32 (1), 127-150, 2016
Smart shopping carts: How real-time feedback influences spending
K Van Ittersum, B Wansink, JME Pennings, D Sheehan
Journal of Marketing 77 (6), 21-36, 2013
Responding to crises and disasters: the role of risk attitudes and risk perceptions
JME Pennings, DB Grossman
Disasters 32 (3), 434-448, 2008
Consumer valuations of beef steak food safety enhancement in Canada, Japan, Mexico, and the United States
GT Tonsor, TC Schroeder, JME Pennings, J Mintert
Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics/Revue canadienne d'agroeconomie …, 2009
Performance expectations of small firms considering radical product innovation
FJHM Verhees, MTG Meulenberg, JME Pennings
Journal of Business Research 63 (7), 772-777, 2010
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Articles 1–20