Alexander McKelvie
Cited by
Cited by
Causation and effectuation processes: A validation study
GN Chandler, DR DeTienne, A McKelvie, TV Mumford
Journal of business venturing 26 (3), 375-390, 2011
Advancing firm growth research: A focus on growth mode instead of growth rate
A McKelvie, J Wiklund
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 34 (2), 261-288, 2010
From resource base to dynamic capabilities: an investigation of new firms
A McKelvie, P Davidsson
British Journal of Management 20, S63-S80, 2009
Unpacking the uncertainty construct: Implications for entrepreneurial action
A McKelvie, JM Haynie, V Gustavsson
Journal of business venturing 26 (3), 273-292, 2011
The organizational pervasiveness of entrepreneurial orientation
W Wales, E Monsen, A McKelvie
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 35 (5), 895-923, 2011
Making sense of entrepreneurial exit strategies: A typology and test
DR DeTienne, A McKelvie, GN Chandler
Journal of Business Venturing 30 (2), 255-272, 2015
Untangling the relationships among growth, profitability and survival in new firms
F Delmar, A McKelvie, K Wennberg
Technovation 33 (8-9), 276-291, 2013
The strategic management of high-growth firms: A review and theoretical conceptualization
R Demir, K Wennberg, A McKelvie
Long range planning 50 (4), 431-456, 2017
Signaling for more money: The roles of founders' human capital and investor prominence in resource acquisition across different stages of firm development
EJ Ko, A McKelvie
Journal of Business Venturing 33 (4), 438-454, 2018
What is entrepreneurial failure? Implications for future research
A Jenkins, A McKelvie
International Small Business Journal 34 (2), 176-188, 2016
Making it personal: Opportunity individuation and the shaping of opportunity beliefs
MS Wood, A McKelvie, JM Haynie
Journal of Business Venturing 29 (2), 252-272, 2014
What matters, matters differently: a conjoint analysis of the decision policies of angel and venture capital investors
DK Hsu, JM Haynie, SA Simmons, A McKelvie
Venture Capital 16 (1), 1-25, 2014
Firm and industry effects on firm performance: A generalization and extension for new ventures
JC Short, A McKelvie, DJ Ketchen Jr, GN Chandler
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 3 (1), 47-65, 2009
Asset specificity and behavioral uncertainty as moderators of the sales growth—Employment growth relationship in emerging ventures
GN Chandler, A McKelvie, P Davidsson
Journal of Business Venturing 24 (4), 373-387, 2009
Opportunity evaluation as future focused cognition: Identifying conceptual themes and empirical trends
MS Wood, A McKelvie
International Journal of Management Reviews 17 (2), 256-277, 2015
Habitual entrepreneurs: Possible cases of entrepreneurship addiction?
AJ Spivack, A McKelvie, JM Haynie
Journal of Business Venturing 29 (5), 651-667, 2014
The measurement of effectuation: highlighting research tensions and opportunities for the future
A McKelvie, GN Chandler, DR DeTienne, A Johansson
Small Business Economics 54, 689-720, 2020
Variable risk preferences in new firm growth and survival
K Wennberg, F Delmar, A McKelvie
Journal of Business Venturing 31 (4), 408-427, 2016
The role of organizational size in the heterogeneous nature of corporate entrepreneurship
RS Nason, A McKelvie, GT Lumpkin
Small Business Economics 45, 279-304, 2015
Externally acquired or internally generated? Knowledge development and perceived environmental dynamism in new venture innovation
A McKelvie, J Wiklund, A Brattström
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 42 (1), 24-46, 2018
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Articles 1–20