Mary Catherine O'Connor
Mary Catherine O'Connor
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Cited by
Regularity and idiomaticity in grammatical constructions: The case of let alone
CJ Fillmore, P Kay, MC O'connor
Language, 501-538, 1988
Deliberative discourse idealized and realized: Accountable talk in the classroom and in civic life
S Michaels, C O’Connor, LB Resnick
Studies in philosophy and education 27 (4), 283-297, 2008
Classroom Discussions: Using Math Talk to Help Students Learn, Grades K-6
SH Chapin, C O'Connor, NC Anderson
Math Solutions Publications, 2009
The handbook of qualitative research in education
JP Gee, S Michaels, M O'Connor
Shifting participant frameworks: Orchestrating thinking practices in group discussion
MC O’Connor, S Michaels
Child Discourse and Social Learning. Pp. 63-102. (D. Hicks, Ed.), 63-103, 1996
Aligning academic task and participation status through revoicing: Analysis of a classroom discourse strategy
MC O'Connor, S Michaels
Anthropology and Education Quarterly 24, 318-318, 1993
Conceptualizing talk moves as tools: Professional development approaches for academically productive discussion
S Michaels, C O’Connor
Socializing intelligence through talk and dialogue, 347-362, 2015
How (well structured) talk builds the mind
LB Resnick, S Michaels, C O’Connor
Innovations in educational psychology: Perspectives on learning, teaching …, 2010
Talk science primer
S Michaels, C O’Connor
Cambridge, MA: TERC. Available online at http://inquiryproject. terc. edu …, 2012
When Is Dialogue ‘Dialogic’?
C O’Connor, S Michaels
Human Development 50 (5), 275-285, 2007
Animacy encoding in English: why and how
A Zaenen, J Carletta, G Garretson, J Bresnan, A Koontz-Garboden, ...
Proceedings of the 2004 ACL Workshop on Discourse Annotation, 118-125, 2004
The silent and the vocal: participation and learning in whole-class discussion
C O'Connor, S Michaels, S Chapin, AG Harbaugh
Learning and Instruction 48, 5-13, 2017
Cohesion in spoken and written discourse: Ethnic style and the transition to literacy
JJ Gumperz, H Kaltman, MC O’Connor
Coherence in spoken and written discourse 12, 3-19, 1984
“Can any fraction be turned into a decimal?” A case study of a mathematical group discussion
MC O'Connor
Educational Studies in Mathematics 46 (1-3), 143-185, 2001
Language and power in the family
S Ervin-Tripp, MC O'Connor, J Rosenberg
Language and power, 116-135, 1984
Can we trace the “efficacy of social constructivism”?
MC O’Connor
Review of research in education 23 (1), 25-71, 1998
“Scaling down” to explore the role of talk in learning: from district intervention to controlled classroom study.
C O’Connor, S Michaels, S Chapin
Resnick, L., Asterhan, C., and Clarke, S. (Eds.) Socializing Intelligence …, 2015
Supporting teachers in taking up productive talk moves: The long road to professional learning at scale
C O’Connor, S Michaels
International Journal of Educational Research 97, 166-175, 2019
Accountable talk: classroom conversation that works
S Michaels, MC O’Connor, MW Hall, L Resnick
Pittsburg: University of Pittsburgh, 2002
Language socialization in the mathematics classroom: Discourse practices and mathematical thinking
MC O'Connor
Talking mathematics in school: Studies of teaching and learning, 17-55, 1998
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Articles 1–20