Haris B C
Haris B C
Senior Data and Applied Scientist, Microsoft
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Cited by
Speech Biometric Based Attendance System
S Dey, S Barman, RK Bhukya, RK Das, BC Haris, SRM Prasanna, ...
National Conference on Communications (NCC) 2014, 2014
Multivariability speaker recognition database in Indian scenario
BC Haris, G Pradhan, A Misra, SRM Prasanna, RK Das, R Sinha
International Journal of Speech Technology 15, 441-453, 2012
Multi-variability speech database for robust speaker recognition
BC Haris, G Pradhan, A Misra, S Shukla, R Sinha, SRM Prasanna
2011 National Conference on Communications (NCC), 1-5, 2011
Sparse representation over learned and discriminatively learned dictionaries for speaker verification
BC Haris, R Sinha
Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2012 IEEE International …, 2012
Speaker verification using sparse representation over KSVD learned dictionary
BC Haris, R Sinha
2012 National Conference on Communications (NCC), 1-5, 2012
A Hierarchical Framework for Language Identification
Saad Irtza, Vidhyasaharan Sethu, Haris Bavattichalil, Ambikairajah ...
Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2016 IEEE International …, 2016
Robust Speaker Verification with Joint Sparse Coding over Learned Dictionaries
BC Haris, R Sinha
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2015
Exploring sparse representation classification for speaker verification in realistic environment
BC Haris, R Sinha
Proc. Centenary Conference, Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, 2011
Speaker verification in sensor and acoustic environment mismatch conditions
G Pradhan, BC Haris, SRM Prasanna, R Sinha
International Journal of Speech Technology 15, 381-392, 2012
Language identification using sparse representation: A comparison between GMM supervector and i-vector based approaches
OP Singh, BC Haris, R Sinha
India Conference (INDICON), 2013 Annual IEEE, 2013
On exploring the similarity and fusion of i-vector and sparse representation based speaker verification systems
BC Haris, R Sinha
Odyssey 2012-The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop 1 (1), 21-27, 2012
Improved speaker verification using block sparse coding over joint speaker-channel learned dictionary
G Sreeram, BC Haris, R Sinha
TENCON 2015-2015 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 1-5, 2015
Sparse Representation based Language Identification using Prosodic Features for Indian Languages
OP Singh, BC Haris, R Sinha, B Chettri, A Pradhan
India Conference (INDICON), 2013 Annual IEEE, 1-5, 2013
Sparse representation of total variability smoothed GMM mean supervectors for speaker verification
BC Haris, R Sinha
2012 International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM …, 2012
Low-complexity speaker verification with decimated supervector representations
BC Haris, R Sinha
Speech Communication 68, 11-22, 2015
Exploring Data-Independent Dimensionality Reduction in Sparse Representation-Based Speaker Identification
BC Haris, R Sinha
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 1-18, 2014
The IITG Speaker Verification Systems for NIST SRE 2012
BC Haris, G Pradhan, R Sinha, SRM Prasanna
Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2013 IEEE International …, 2013
Scalable I-vector Concatenation for PLDA based Language Identification System
Saad Irtza, Haris Bavattichalil, Vidhyasaharan Sethu, Eliathamby Ambikairajah
APSIPA ASC 2015, 2015
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Articles 1–18