Alison B Powell
Alison B Powell
Associate Professor in Media and Communication, London School of Economics and Political Science
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Cited by
Big Data from the bottom up
N Couldry, A Powell
Big Data & Society 1 (2), 2053951714539277, 2014
Democratizing production through open source knowledge: from open software to open hardware
A Powell
Media, Culture & Society 34 (6), 691-708, 2012
Automation, Algorithms, and Politics| Bots and Political Influence: A Sociotechnical Investigation of Social Network Capital
D Murthy, AB Powell, R Tinati, N Anstead, L Carr, SJ Halford, M Weal
International Journal of Communication 10, 20, 2016
Design for existential crisis in the anthropocene age
A Light, A Powell, I Shklovski
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Communities and …, 2017
Broadband adoption in low-income communities
D Dailey, A Bryne, A Powell, J Karaganis, J Chung
Social Science Research Council, 2010
Turning Words Into Consumer Preferences: How Sentiment Analysis Is Framed in Research and the News Media
C Puschmann, A Powell
Social Media+ Society 4 (3), 2056305118797724, 2018
Design for Existential Crisis
A Light, I Shklovski, A Powell
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors …, 2017
The Essential Internet: Digital Exclusion in Low‐Income American Communities
A Powell, A Bryne, D Dailey
Policy & Internet 2 (2), 161-192, 2010
The essential internet: digital inclusion insights from low-income American communities
A Powell, A Bryne, D Dailey
Berkeley Electronic Press, 2010
Wifi publics: Producing community and technology
A Powell
Information, communication & society 11 (8), 1068-1088, 2008
Participations: dialogues on the participatory promise of contemporary culture and politics: introduction
N Couldry, H Jenkins
International journal of communication (Online), 1107-1113, 2014
Participations: dialogues on the participatory promise of contemporary culture and politics: introduction
N Couldry, H Jenkins
International journal of communication (Online), 1107-1113, 2014
Undoing Optimization: Civic Action in Smart Cities
AB Powell
Yale University Press, 2021
Going Wi-Fi in Canada: municipal and community initiatives
A Powell, LR Shade
Government Information Quarterly 23 (3-4), 381-403, 2006
Hacking in the public interest: Authority, legitimacy, means, and ends
A Powell
new media & society 18 (4), 600-616, 2016
Net neutrality discourses: Comparing advocacy and regulatory arguments in the United States and the United Kingdom
A Powell, A Cooper
The information society 27 (5), 311-325, 2011
Net neutrality discourses: comparing advocacy and regulatory arguments in the United States and the United Kingdom
A Powell, A Cooper
The information society 27 (5), 311-325, 2011
Open culture and innovation: integrating knowledge across boundaries
AB Powell
Media, Culture & Society 37 (3), 376-393, 2015
Participations| Part 5: PLATFORMS
J Clark, N Couldry, AT De Kosnik, T Gillespie, H Jenkins, C Kelty, ...
International Journal of Communication 8, 28, 2014
Reforming policy to promote local broadband networks
AH Tapia, A Powell, JA Ortiz
Journal of communication inquiry 33 (4), 354-375, 2009
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Articles 1–20