M Deniz Yavuz
Cited by
Cited by
Investor Networks in the Stock Market
HN Ozsoylev, J Walden, MD Yavuz, R Bildik
Review of Financial Studies, 2013
Banking system control, capital allocation, and economy performance
R Morck, MD Yavuz, B Yeung
Journal of Financial Economics 100 (2), 264-283, 2011
Style investing, comovement and return predictability
S Wahal, MD Yavuz
Journal of Financial Economics 107 (1), 136-154, 2013
Small innovators: No risk no return
N Stoffman, M Woeppel, MD Yavuz
Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2022, 2020
Momentum and reversal: Does what goes up always come down?
J Conrad, MD Yavuz
Review of Finance 21 (2), 555-581, 2017
Network prominence, bargaining power, and the allocation of value capturing rights in high-tech alliance contracts
U Ozmel, D Yavuz, JJ Reuer, T Zenger
Organization Science 28 (5), 947-964, 2017
Private equity fund returns and performance persistence
R Marquez, VK Nanda, MD Yavuz
Review of Finance 19 (5), 1783-1823, 2015
State-controlled banks and the effectiveness of monetary policy
R Morck, MD Yavuz, B Yeung
Management Science, 2019
Business groups and the incorporation of firm-specific shocks into stock prices
M Faccio, R Morck, MD Yavuz
Journal of Financial Economics 139 (3), 852-871, 2021
Investor protection and asset prices
S Basak, G Chabakauri, MD Yavuz
Review of Financial Studies, 2019
Interfirm ties between ventures and limited partners of venture capital funds: Performance effects in financial markets
U Ozmel, D Yavuz, T Trombley, R Gulati
Organization Science 31 (3), 698-719, 2020
Specialization, productivity, and financing constraints
R Marquez, MD Yavuz
The Review of Financial Studies 26 (11), 2961-2984, 2013
Outside insiders: Does access to information prior to an IPO generate a trading advantage after the IPO?
U Ozmel, TE Trombley, MD Yavuz
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 54 (1), 303-334, 2019
Choosing investment managers
A Goyal, S Wahal, MD Yavuz
Forthcoming at Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis., 2022
Picking partners: Manager selection in private equity
A Goyal, S Wahal, MD Yavuz
Swiss Finance Institute Research Paper, 2021
Do institutional investors have an information advantage
GO Aragon, R Bildik, MD Yavuz
Proceedings of the EFMA 2008 Annual Meeting, Athens, Greece, 2007
Financing innovative activity and the endogeneity of patenting
R Marquez, T Nguyen, MD Yavuz
Management Science, 2023
Indexing and the Incorporation of Exogenous Information Shocks to Stock Prices
R Morck, MD Yavuz
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2023
Transmission of information from private to public markets
S Chattopadhyay, JJ McConnell, TE Trombley, MD Yavuz
Available at SSRN 4026253, 2022
Do Regulations Matter? Wealth Redistribution and the Cost of Equity
MD Yavuz
Wealth Redistribution and the Cost of Equity (March 14, 2006), 2006
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Articles 1–20