Kieran Walshe
Kieran Walshe
Professor of Health Policy and Management, Manchester Business School
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Cited by
Realist review-a new method of systematic review designed for complex policy interventions
R Pawson, T Greenhalgh, G Harvey, K Walshe
Journal of health services research & policy 10 (1_suppl), 21-34, 2005
Realist synthesis-an introduction
R Pawson, T Greenhalgh, G Harvey, K Walshe
ESRC res methods program 2, 55, 2004
Evidence‐based management: from theory to practice in health care
K Walshe, TG Rundall
The Milbank Quarterly 79 (3), 429-457, 2001
The relationship between organizational culture and performance in acute hospitals
R Jacobs, R Mannion, HTO Davies, S Harrison, F Konteh, K Walshe
Social science & medicine 76, 115-125, 2013
The top patient safety strategies that can be encouraged for adoption now
PG Shekelle, PJ Pronovost, RM Wachter, KM McDonald, K Schoelles, ...
Annals of internal medicine 158 (5_Part_2), 365-368, 2013
Understanding what works—and why—in quality improvement: the need for theory-driven evaluation
K Walshe
International Journal for Quality in Health Care 19 (2), 57-59, 2007
Advancing the science of patient safety
PG Shekelle, PJ Pronovost, RM Wachter, SL Taylor, SM Dy, R Foy, ...
Annals of internal medicine 154 (10), 693-696, 2011
Healthcare management
K Walshe, J Smith
McGraw-Hill Education (UK), 2011
Pseudoinnovation: the development and spread of healthcare quality improvement methodologies
K Walshe
International journal for quality in health care 21 (3), 153-159, 2009
When things go wrong: how health care organizations deal with major failures
K Walshe, SM Shortell
Health affairs 23 (3), 103-111, 2004
Regulating healthcare: a prescription for improvement?
K Walshe
McGraw-Hill Education (UK), 2003
Rules and guidelines in clinical practice: a qualitative study in operating theatres of doctors’ and nurses’ views
R McDonald, J Waring, S Harrison, K Walshe, R Boaden
BMJ Quality & Safety 14 (4), 290-294, 2005
Absorptive capacity in a non-market environment: A knowledge-based approach to analysing the performance of sector organizations
G Harvey, C Skelcher, E Spencer, P Jas, K Walshe
Public Management Review 12 (1), 77-97, 2010
Effectiveness of quality improvement: learning from evaluations
K Walshe, T Freeman
BMJ Quality & Safety 11 (1), 85-87, 2002
Working within and beyond the Cochrane Collaboration to make systematic reviews more useful to healthcare managers and policy makers
JN Lavis, HTO Davies, RL Gruen, K Walshe, CM Farquhar
Healthcare Policy 1 (2), 21, 2006
The “redisorganisation” of the NHS: Another reorganisation involving unhappy managers can only worsen the service
J Smith, K Walshe, DJ Hunter
BMJ 323 (7324), 1262-1263, 2001
The rise of regulation in the NHS
K Walshe
Bmj 324 (7343), 967-970, 2002
Regulating US nursing homes: are we learning from experience?
K Walshe
Health Affairs 20 (6), 128-144, 2001
The use and impact of inquiries in the NHS
K Walshe, J Higgins
Bmj 325 (7369), 895-900, 2002
Adverse events in health care: issues in measurement
K Walshe
BMJ Quality & Safety 9 (1), 47-52, 2000
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Articles 1–20