Masresha Taye
Masresha Taye
Researcher and Development practitioner 
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COVID-19 and pastoralism: Reflections from three continents
G Simula, T Bum, D Farinella, N Maru, TS Mohamed, M Taye, P Tsering
The Journal of Peasant Studies 48 (1), 48-72, 2021
Pastoralism, uncertainty and development
I Scoones
Practical Action Publishing, 2023
Pastoralism and development: Fifty years of dynamic change
I Scoones
The Institute of Development Studies and Partner Organisations, 2020
Livestock insurance payouts and coping strategies of pastoralists during drought
M Taye, V Alulu, W Gobu, ND Jensen
ILRI research brief, 2019
Resettlement: a way to achieve food security? a case study of Chewaka resettlement scheme, Oromia National Regional state, Ethiopia
M Taye, I Mberengwa
Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa 15 (1), 141-154, 2013
Uncertainty in the drylands: Rethinking in/formal insurance from pastoral East Africa
L Johnson, T Shariff Mohamed, I Scoones, M Taye
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 55 (8), 1928-1950, 2023
KAZNET: An open-source, micro-tasking platform for remote locations
P Chelanga, F Fava, V Alulu, R Banerjee, O Naibei, M Taye, M Berg, ...
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 6, 730836, 2022
Pre-feasibility study for Index-Based Livestock Insurance in Niger
FP Fava, J Upton, RR Banerjee, M Taye, AG Mude
ILRI Research Report, 2018
Improving the design of climate insurance: combining empirical approaches and modelling
M Will, A Backes, M Campenni, L Cronk, G Dressler, C Gornott, ...
Climate and Development 14 (9), 804-813, 2022
Escaping Poverty Traps and Unlocking Prosperity in the Face of Climate Risk: Lessons from Index-Based Livestock Insurance
ND Jensen, FP Fava, AG Mude, CB Barrett, B Wandera-Gache, A Vrieling, ...
Cambridge University Press, 2024
Livestock insurance in southern Ethiopia: calculating risks, responding to uncertainties
M Taye
Pastoralism, Uncertainty and Development, 93, 2023
Implementation manual for launching and maintaining sentinel zones
P Chelanga, W Gobu, D Galgallo, V Alulu, M Taye, N Jensen, F Fava
ILRI Manual, 2022
Livestock insurance for pastoralists in Ethiopia: Exploring opportunities for scaling
Y Zewdie, M Taye, FP Fava
International Livestock Research Institute, 2020
Using mLearning to improve training retention: Lessons from Ethiopia
M Taye, ND Jensen
ILRI Research Brief, 2019
Exploring pastoralists’ demand for information and channels for its effective delivery
RR Banerjee, FP Fava, M Taye, AG Mude
ILRI, 2018
People on the Edge: A Synthesis of Urbanization induced Land Use Change in Ethiopia A case study on major towns surrounding Addis Ababa
M Taye
International Conference on ‘Development in Ethiopia: Changing Trends …, 2013
Relational resiliences: reflections from pastoralism across the world
G Semplici, LJ Haider, R Unks, TS Mohamed, G Simula, P Tsering, ...
Ecosystems and People 20 (1), 2396928, 2024
Creating resilience through Index Based Livestock Insurance (IBLI): Insights from Ethiopia
M Taye, RR Banerjee, B Wandera, AG Mude
International Livestock Research Institute, 2018
The politics of anticipation in East Africa’s rangelands
I Scoones, TS Mohamed, M Taye
Financializing Drought Risk: Introducing Neoliberal Assumptions into Africa’s Drylands
M Taye
The Journal of Development Studies, 1-24, 2025
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Articles 1–20