Ning Xu
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Cited by
Human α-defensin-1 inhibits growth of human lung adenocarcinoma xenograft in nude mice
N Xu, Y Wang, W Pan, B Xiao, Y Wen, X Chen, L Chen, H Deng, J You, ...
Molecular cancer therapeutics 7 (6), 1588-1597, 2008
Intratumoral expression of mature human neutrophil peptide-1 mediates antitumor immunity in mice
Y Wang, D Li, H Shi, Y Wen, L Yang, N Xu, X Chen, X Chen, P Chen, J Li, ...
Clinical Cancer Research 15 (22), 6901-6911, 2009
Unlocking and closing the gender gap in creative performance: A multilevel model
S Hora, GJ Lemoine, N Xu, CE Shalley
Journal of Organizational Behavior 42 (3), 297-312, 2021
Immunity against tumor angiogenesis induced by a fusion vaccine with murine β-defensin 2 and mFlk-1
Y Wang, G Wang, Y Wen, L Wang, X Chen, P Chen, B Kan, J Li, C Huang, ...
Clinical cancer research 13 (22), 6779-6787, 2007
The political skill and will of expatriates in acculturating to the politics of an organization in a new culture
JR Bentley, JW Breland, N Xu, ED Campion, DC Treadway
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 49, 343-353, 2015
Emergence of shared leadership networks in teams: An adaptive process perspective
N Xu, H Ghahremani, GJ Lemoine, PE Tesluk
The Leadership Quarterly 33 (6), 101588, 2022
Tensions between diversity and shared leadership: The role of team political skill
N Xu, CY Chiu, DC Treadway
Small Group Research 50 (4), 507-538, 2019
Moderating effects of leader narcissism on the relationships between leader political skill and follower LMX and affective commitment
DC Treadway, SR Seitz, N Xu, WA Hochwarter, GR Ferris, MR Buckley
Trouble between formal and informal leaders: The effects of unrequited friendship
P Balkundi, DA Waldman, N Xu, BM Galvin
Academy of Management Proceedings 2015 (1), 12906, 2015
Effect of Organizational Support and Self-Esteem on the Stigma Internalization-Performance Linkage
DC Treadway, J Bentley, J Yang, N Xu, N Everest
Academy of Management Proceedings 2014 (1), 17561, 2014
Feeling Good About Doing Bad: The Unforeseen Positive Emotions and Reactions Underlying Wrongdoing
KC Yam, M Chan, W Wakeman, N Xu, S Ayar, NH Bittár, E Danaj, T Eyal, ...
Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, 2023
When Bad is Good (and Good is Bad): Examining the Ironic Antecedents and Consequences of Bad Behavior
EE Umphress, M Chan, N Xu, W Wakeman, L Belkin, E Crawford, ...
Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, 2023
Shared Leadership in Context: The Mutual Influences of Situation and Process
J Kiker, K Klasmeier, W Xie, N Xu
Academy of Management Proceedings 2020 (1), 17839, 2020
Brokering Their Way to Leadership: How Individual Differences Enable Brokers to Be Effective within and between Teams
N Xu
State University of New York at Buffalo, 2018
Mitigating the negative effect of team diversity on shared leadership: The role of political skill
N Xu, CY Chiu
Academy of Management Proceedings 2016 (1), 17668, 2016
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Articles 1–15