Wade Hadwen
Wade Hadwen
Griffith University, School of Environment and Science
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Recent advances in recreation ecology and the implications of different relationships between recreation use and ecological impacts
CA Monz, CM Pickering, WL Hadwen
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 11 (8), 441-446, 2013
Human effects on ecological connectivity in aquatic ecosystems: integrating scientific approaches to support management and mitigation
DA Crook, WH Lowe, FW Allendorf, T Erős, DS Finn, BM Gillanders, ...
Science of the total environment 534, 52-64, 2015
Applications of Bayesian belief networks in water resource management: A systematic review
TD Phan, JCR Smart, SJ Capon, WL Hadwen, O Sahin
Environmental Modelling & Software 85, 98-111, 2016
Icons under threat: Why monitoring visitors and their ecological impacts in protected areas matters
WL Hadwen, W Hill, CM Pickering
Ecological management & restoration 8 (3), 177-181, 2007
Do climatic or institutional factors drive seasonal patterns of tourism visitation to protected areas across diverse climate zones in eastern Australia?
WL Hadwen, AH Arthington, PI Boon, B Taylor, CS Fellows
Tourism Geographies 13 (2), 187-208, 2011
Developing an approach for tourism climate change assessment: Evidence from four contrasting Australian case studies
S Turton, T Dickson, W Hadwen, B Jorgensen, T Pham, D Simmons, ...
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 18 (3), 429-447, 2010
Multiple household water sources and their use in remote communities with evidence from Pacific Island countries
M Elliott, MC MacDonald, T Chan, A Kearton, KF Shields, JK Bartram, ...
Water Resources Research 53 (11), 9106-9117, 2017
Food webs of two intermittently open estuaries receiving 15N-enriched sewage effluent
WL Hadwen, AH Arthington
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 71 (1-2), 347-358, 2007
Climate-change threats to native fish in degraded rivers and floodplains of the Murray–Darling Basin, Australia
SR Balcombe, F Sheldon, SJ Capon, NR Bond, WL Hadwen, N Marsh, ...
Marine and Freshwater Research 62 (9), 1099-1114, 2011
The impact of tourism on dune lakes on Fraser Island, Australia
WL Hadwen, AH Arthington, TD Mosisch
Lakes & Reservoirs: Research & Management 8 (1), 15-26, 2003
Addressing how multiple household water sources and uses build water resilience and support sustainable development
M Elliott, T Foster, MC MacDonald, AR Harris, KJ Schwab, WL Hadwen
NPJ Clean Water 2 (1), 6, 2019
Gut content-and stable isotope-derived diets of four commercially and recreationally important fish species in two intermittently open estuaries
WL Hadwen, GL Russell, AH Arthington
Marine and Freshwater Research 58 (4), 363-375, 2007
Longitudinal trends in river functioning: patterns of nutrient and carbon processing in three Australian rivers
WL Hadwen, CS Fellows, DP Westhorpe, GN Rees, SM Mitrovic, B Taylor, ...
River Research and Applications 26 (9), 1129-1152, 2010
The spatial distribution of beetles within the canopies of oak trees in Richmond Park, UK
NE Stork, PM Hammond, BL Russell, WL Hadwen
Ecological Entomology 26 (3), 302-311, 2001
Understanding and overcoming baseline isotopic variability in running waters
TD Jardine, WL Hadwen, SK Hamilton, S Hladyz, SM Mitrovic, KA Kidd, ...
River Research and Applications 30 (2), 155-165, 2014
Challenges and opportunities for mainstreaming climate change adaptation into WaSH development planning in Ghana
S Alhassan, WL Hadwen
International journal of environmental research and public health 14 (7), 749, 2017
Putting WASH in the water cycle: Climate change, water resources and the future of water, sanitation and hygiene challenges in Pacific Island Countries
WL Hadwen, B Powell, MC MacDonald, M Elliott, T Chan, W Gernjak, ...
Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development 5 (2), 183-191, 2015
Food web responses to low‐level nutrient and 15N‐tracer additions in the littoral zone of an oligotrophic dune lake
WL Hadwen, SE Bunn
Limnology and Oceanography 50 (4), 1096-1105, 2005
Linking visitor impact research to visitor impact monitoring in protected areas
WL Hadwen, W Hill, CM Pickering
JournaL of ecoTourism 7 (1), 87-93, 2008
Temporal variability of benthic algal δ13C signatures influences assessments of carbon flows in stream food webs
WL Hadwen, M Spears, MJ Kennard
Hydrobiologia 651, 239-251, 2010
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Articles 1–20