Judith Dwyer
Judith Dwyer
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Cited by
What Indigenous Australian clients value about primary health care: a systematic review of qualitative evidence
JS Gomersall, O Gibson, J Dwyer, K O'Donnell, M Stephenson, D Carter, ...
Australian and New Zealand journal of public health 41 (4), 417-423, 2017
The Overburden Report: Contracting for Indigenous Health Services.
J Dwyer, K O'Donel, J Lavoie, U Marlina, P Sulivan
Aboriginal & Islander Health Worker Journal 33 (6), 2009
Australian health system restructuring–what problem is being solved?
J Dwyer
Australia and New Zealand health policy 1 (1), 2004
Indigenous peoples’ health care: new approaches to contracting and accountability at the public administration frontier
J Dwyer, A Boulton, JG Lavoie, T Tenbensel, J Cumming
Public Management Review 16 (8), 1091-1112, 2014
How not to kill the golden goose: Reconceptualizing accountability environments of third-sector organizations
T Tenbensel, J Dwyer, J Lavoie
Public Management Review 16 (7), 925-944, 2014
National strategies for improving Indigenous health and health care
J Dwyer, G Wilson, K Silburn
Department of Health and Ageing, Office for Aboriginal and Torres Strait …, 2004
Analysing contractual environments: lessons from Indigenous health in Canada, Australia and New Zealand
J Lavoie, A Boulton, J Dwyer
Public Administration 88 (3), 665-679, 2010
The politics of participation
J Dwyer
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 13 (1), 59-65, 1989
Improving hospital performance: culture change is not the answer.
SG Leggat, J Dwyer
Healthcare Quarterly (Toronto, Ont.) 8 (2), 60-66, 2005
Travelling to the city for hospital care: Access factors in country A boriginal patient journeys
J Kelly, J Dwyer, E Willis, B Pekarsky
Australian Journal of Rural Health 22 (3), 109-113, 2014
Contracting for Indigenous health care: towards mutual accountability
JM Dwyer, J Lavoie, K O’Donnell, U Marlina, P Sullivan
Australian Journal of Public Administration 70 (1), 34-46, 2011
Role of Aboriginal Health Workers and Liaison Officers in quality care in the Australian acute care setting: a systematic review
T Mackean, E Withall, J Dwyer, A Wilson
Australian Health Review 44 (3), 427-433, 2020
Implementing Indigenous community control in health care: lessons from Canada
JG Lavoie, J Dwyer
Australian Health Review 40 (4), 453-458, 2015
Responding to health inequities: Indigenous health system innovations
JG Lavoie, D Kornelsen, L Wylie, J Mignone, J Dwyer, Y Boyer, A Boulton, ...
Global Health, Epidemiology and Genomics 1, e14, 2016
Project Management in Health and Community Services: Getting good ideas to work
J Dwyer
Routledge, 2020
Managing two worlds together: city hospital care for country Aboriginal people-project report
J Dwyer, J Kelly, E Willis, J Glover, T MacKean, B Pekarsky, M Battersby
Flinders University, 2011
Equitable care for indigenous people: Every health service can do it
J Dwyer, K O'Donnell, E Willis, J Kelly
Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management 11 (3), 11-17, 2016
Coproducing Aboriginal patient journey mapping tools for improved quality and coordination of care
J Kelly, J Dwyer, T Mackean, K O’Donnell, E Willis
Australian Journal of Primary Health 23 (6), 536-542, 2018
Managing two worlds together: Stage 2-patient journey mapping tools: Stage 2-patient journey mapping tools
J Kelly, J Dwyer, B Pekarsky, T Mackean, E Willis, M Battersby, J Glover, ...
The Lowitja Institute, Melbourne, 2011
Options for reform of Commonwealth and State governance responsibilities for the Australian health system
K Eagar, J Dwyer
Public Administration Today, 26-29, 2009
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Articles 1–20