Bahram Saghafian
Bahram Saghafian
Professor of Water Resources Engineering, Science and Research Branch
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Raster-based hydrologic modeling of spatially-varied surface runoff
PY Julien, B Saghafian, FL Ogden
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 31 (3), 523-536, 1995
Assessment of GPM-IMERG and other precipitation products against gauge data under different topographic and climatic conditions in Iran: Preliminary results
E Sharifi, R Steinacker, B Saghafian
Remote Sensing 8 (2), 135, 2016
Spatial patterns and temporal variability of drought in western Iran
T Raziei, B Saghafian, AA Paulo, LS Pereira, I Bordi
Water resources management 23, 439-455, 2009
Green and Ampt infiltration with redistribution
FL Ogden, B Saghafian
Journal of irrigation and drainage engineering 123 (5), 386-393, 1997
Flood intensification due to changes in land use
B Saghafian, H Farazjoo, B Bozorgy, F Yazdandoost
Water resources management 22, 1051-1067, 2008
Uncertainty analysis of streamflow drought forecast using artificial neural networks and Monte-Carlo simulation.
M Dehghani, B Saghafian, F Nasiri Saleh, A Farokhnia, R Noori
International Journal of Climatology 34 (4), 2014
Downscaling satellite precipitation estimates with multiple linear regression, artificial neural networks, and spline interpolation techniques
E Sharifi, B Saghafian, R Steinacker
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 124 (2), 789-805, 2019
Assessment of residential rainwater harvesting efficiency for meeting non-potable water demands in three climate conditions
MHR Mehrabadi, B Saghafian, FH Fashi
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 73, 86-93, 2013
Climate change impacts on streamflow and sediment yield in the North of Iran
M Azari, HR Moradi, B Saghafian, M Faramarzi
Hydrological Sciences Journal 61 (1), 123-133, 2016
Runoff hydrograph simulation based on time variable isochrone technique
B Saghafian, PY Julien, H Rajaie
Journal of hydrology 261 (1-4), 193-203, 2002
The groundwater‒energy‒food nexus in Iran’s agricultural sector: implications for water security
A Mirzaei, B Saghafian, A Mirchi, K Madani
Water 11 (9), 1835, 2019
Annual Rainfall Trend in Arid and Semi-arid Regions of Iran
Raziei, T., Arasteh, P.D., and Saghafian, B.
ICID 21st European Regional Conference, 2005
Derivation of probabilistic thresholds of spatially distributed rainfall for flood forecasting
S Golian, B Saghafian, R Maknoon
Water Resources Management 24, 3547-3559, 2010
Multi-objective optimization for combined quality–quantity urban runoff control
S Oraei Zare, B Saghafian, A Shamsai
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 16 (12), 4531-4542, 2012
Comprehensive evaluation of 3-hourly TRMM and half-hourly GPM-IMERG satellite precipitation products
S Khodadoust Siuki, B Saghafian, S Moazami
International Journal of Remote Sensing 38 (2), 558-571, 2017
CASC2D user's manual: a two-dimensional watershed rainfall-runoff model
PY Julien, B Saghafian
Colorado State University. Libraries, 1991
Similarity in catchment response: 1. Stationary rainstorms
B Saghafian, PY Julien, FL Ogden
Water Resources Research 31 (6), 1533-1541, 1995
Multi time-scale evaluation of high-resolution satellite-based precipitation products over northeast of Austria
E Sharifi, R Steinacker, B Saghafian
Atmospheric Research 206, 46-63, 2018
Assessment of climate change impact on floods using weather generator and continuous rainfall‐runoff model
MR Khazaei, B Zahabiyoun, B Saghafian
International Journal of Climatology 32 (13), 1997, 2012
Drought characterization using a new copula-based trivariate approach
B Saghafian, H Mehdikhani
Natural hazards 72, 1391-1407, 2014
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Articles 1–20