Sahar Mousavi
Sahar Mousavi
Senior Lecturer/ Associate Professor in Marketing
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Cited by
The implications of eWOM adoption on the customer journey
C Ngarmwongnoi, J Oliveira, M AbedRabbo, S Mousavi
Journal of Consumer Marketing, 2020
Interpreting social identity in online brand communities: Considering posters and lurkers
S Mousavi, S Roper, KA Keeling
Psychology & Marketing 34 (4), 376-393, 2017
Relationship learning and international customer involvement in new product design: The moderating roles of customer dependence and cultural distance
Z Najafi-Tavani, S Mousavi, G Zaefarian, P Naudé
Journal of Business Research, 2020
Overcoming vulnerability: Channel design strategies to alleviate vulnerability perceptions in customer journeys
NV Wünderlich, J Hogreve, IN Chowdhury, H Fleischer, S Mousavi, ...
Journal of Business Research 116, 377-386, 2020
Technology push without a patient pull: Examining digital unengagement (DU) with online health services
DI Keeling, K de Ruyter, S Mousavi, A Laing
European Journal of Marketing, 2019
New development: Citizen science—discovering (new) solutions to wicked problems
IR Hodgkinson, S Mousavi, P Hughes
Public Money & Management 42 (2), 133-136, 2022
Enhancing Relationships Through Online Brand Communities: Comparing Posters and Lurkers
S Mousavi, S Roper
International Journal of Electronic Commerce 27 (1), 2023
Enforcement of service rules by frontline employees: A conceptual model and research propositions
K Ifie, S Mousavi, J Xie
Journal of Business Research 154, 113339, 2023
Virtual Brand Communities: Pathways to Brand Trust?
S Mousavi, S Roper, K Keeling
Rediscovering the Essentiality of Marketing: Proceedings of the 2015 Academy …, 2016
Building brand commitment in virtual brand communities
S Mousavi, M Bruce, K Keeling
The Sustainable Global Marketplace: Proceedings of the 2011 Academy of …, 2015
Building Brand Commitment in Virtual Brand Communities: A Comparison between Posters and Lurkers
S Mousavi
PQDT-Global, 2014
Customer Service Measurement in an Experience Economy
H Bruce, S Mousavi, J Burton
International Colloquium on Relationship Marketing, 2017
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Articles 1–12