Sergio Jurado
Sergio Jurado
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Cited by
NRGcoin: Virtual currency for trading of renewable energy in smart grids
M Mihaylov, S Jurado, N Avellana, K Van Moffaert, IM de Abril, A Nowé
11th International conference on the European energy market (EEM14), 1-6, 2014
Hybrid methodologies for electricity load forecasting: Entropy-based feature selection with machine learning and soft computing techniques
S Jurado, À Nebot, F Mugica, N Avellana
Energy 86, 276-291, 2015
Nrg-x-change-a novel mechanism for trading of renewable energy in smart grids
M Mihaylov, S Jurado, K Van Moffaert, N Avellana, A Nowé
International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems 2, 101-106, 2014
SCANERGY: a Scalable and Modular System for Energy Trading Between Prosumers.
M Mihaylov, S Jurado, N Avellana, IS Razo-Zapata, K Van Moffaert, ...
AAMAS 15, 1917-1918, 2015
Fuzzy inductive reasoning forecasting strategies able to cope with missing data: A smart grid application
S Jurado, À Nebot, F Mugica, M Mihaylov
Applied soft computing 51, 225-238, 2017
Comparing stakeholder incentives across state-of-the-art renewable support mechanisms
M Mihaylov, R Rădulescu, I Razo-Zapata, S Jurado, L Arco, N Avellana, ...
Renewable energy 131, 689-699, 2019
Smart grid demonstration platform for renewable energy exchange
M Mihaylov, I Razo-Zapata, R Rădulescu, S Jurado, N Avellana, A Nowé
Advances in Practical Applications of Scalable Multi-agent Systems. The …, 2016
Short-term electric load forecasting using computational intelligence methods
S Jurado, J Peralta, A Nebot, F Mugica, P Cortez
2013 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), 1-8, 2013
Narcís Avellana, Kristof Van Moffaert, Ildefons Magrans de Abril
M Mihaylov, S Jurado
and Ann Nowé, 1-6, 2014
A. Nebot, F. Mugica, and N. Avellana (2015, jun). Hybrid methodologies for electricity load forecasting: Entropy-based feature selection with machine learning and soft …
S Jurado
Energy 86, 276-291, 0
Narcıs Avellana
M Mihaylov, S Jurado, K Van Moffaert
Ann Nowe,“NRG-X-Change A Novel Mechanism for Trading of Renewable Energy in …, 2014
A flexible fuzzy inductive reasoning approach for load modelling able to cope with missing data
S Jurado Gómez, MÀ Nebot Castells, F Múgica Álvarez
SIMUTools' 15: proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Simulation …, 2015
The Importance of Robust and Reliable Energy Prediction Models: Next Generation of Smart Meters.
S Jurado, À Nebot, F Mugica
SIMULTECH, 248-254, 2020
K Nearest Neighbour Optimal Selection in Fuzzy Inductive Reasoning for Smart Grid Applications
S Jurado, À Nebot, F Mugica
2019 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), 1-6, 2019
M Mihaylov, S Jurado, K Van Moffaert, N Avellana, A Nowé
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT …, 0
iURBAN Smart Algorithms
S Jurado, A Fernandez
iURBAN, 125-143, 2022
A novel soft computing approach based on FIR to model and predict energy dynamic systems
S Jurado Gómez
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2020
NRGcoin: Virtual currency for trading of renewable energy in smart grids
N Avellana, A Nowe, M Mihaylov, IM de Abril, K Van Moffaert, S Jurado
Towards the Development of the Smart Grid: Fast Electricity Load Forecasting Using Different Hybrid Approaches
S Jurado, F Mugica, À Nebot, N Avellana
Artificial Intelligence Research and Development, 185-188, 2013
Fuzzy inductive reasoning forecasting strategies able to cope withmissing data: A smart grid application
S Jurado, MÀ Nebot Castells, F Múgica Álvarez, M Mihaylov
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Articles 1–20