Appropriating the returns from industrial research and development RC Levin, AK Klevorick, RR Nelson, SG Winter, R Gilbert, Z Griliches Brookings papers on economic activity 1987 (3), 783-831, 1987 | 5965 | 1987 |
Empirical studies of innovation and market structure W Cohen Handbook of industrial organization 2, 1989 | 3054 | 1989 |
On the sources and significance of interindustry differences in technological opportunities AK Klevorick, RC Levin, RR Nelson, SG Winter Research policy 24 (2), 185-205, 1995 | 2243 | 1995 |
R & D appropriability, opportunity, and market structure: new evidence on some Schumpeterian hypotheses RC Levin, WM Cohen, DC Mowery The American economic review 75 (2), 20-24, 1985 | 1102 | 1985 |
Firm size and R&D intensity: A re-examination WM Cohen, RC Levin, DC Mowery National Bureau of Economic Research, 1987 | 1009 | 1987 |
Cost-reducing and demand-creating R&D with spillovers RC Levin, PC Reiss National Bureau of Economic Research, 1989 | 631 | 1989 |
Tests of a Schumpeterian model of R&D and market structure R Levin R&D, Patent and Productivity/University of Chicago Press, 1984 | 509 | 1984 |
Appropriability, R&D spending, and technological performance RC Levin The American Economic Review 78 (2), 424-428, 1988 | 429 | 1988 |
A patent system for the 21st century MB Myers, RC Levin, SA Merrill National Academies Press, 2004 | 302* | 2004 |
The semiconductor industry RC Levin Government and Technical Progress: A cross-industry analysis 9, 76-77, 1982 | 221 | 1982 |
A new look at the patent system RC Levin The American Economic Review 76 (2), 199-202, 1986 | 211 | 1986 |
New Readings vs. Old Plays: Recent Trends in the Reinterpretation of English Renaissance Drama RL Levin (No Title), 1979 | 169 | 1979 |
Allocation in surface freight transportation: does rate regulation matter? RC Levin The Bell Journal of Economics, 18-45, 1978 | 167 | 1978 |
Survey research on R&D appropriability and technological opportunity R Levin, A Klevorick, R Nelson, S Winter Unpublished manuscript (Yale University, New Haven, CT), 1984 | 157 | 1984 |
The report of the independent members of the Commissioner's blue ribbon panel on baseball economics, July 2000 RC Levin, GJ Mitchell, PA Volcker, GF Will Major League Baseball, 2000 | 143 | 2000 |
Railroad rates, profitability, and welfare under deregulation RC Levin The Bell Journal of Economics, 1-26, 1981 | 117 | 1981 |
S. Winter (1987)“Appropriating the Returns from Industrial Research and Development” R Levin, A Klevorick, R Nelson Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 3, 783-831, 0 | 114 | |
Preying for Monopoly? The Case of Southern Bell Telephone Company, 1894-1912 DF Weiman, RC Levin Journal of Political Economy 102 (1), 103-126, 1994 | 111 | 1994 |
Technical change, barriers to entry, and market structure RC Levin Economica 45 (180), 347-361, 1978 | 110 | 1978 |
Innovation and productivity in US industry MN Baily, AK Chakrabarti, RC Levin Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 1985 (2), 609-639, 1985 | 107 | 1985 |