Jay A. Mancini
Jay A. Mancini
Haltiwanger Distinguished Professor of Human Development and Family Science, The University of Georgia
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Family stress management: A contextual approach
P Boss, CM Bryant, JA Mancini
Sage Publications, 2016
Aging parents and adult children: Research themes in intergenerational relations
JA Mancini, R Blieszner
Journal of Marriage and the Family, 275-290, 1989
Parental deployment and youth in military families: Exploring uncertainty and ambiguous loss
AJ Huebner, JA Mancini, RM Wilcox, SR Grass, GA Grass
Family Relations 56 (2), 112-122, 2007
Leisure impacts on family interaction and cohesion
DK Orthner, JA Mancini
Journal of leisure research 22 (2), 125-137, 1990
Sibling relationships in adulthood: Contact patterns and motivations
TR Lee, JA Mancini, JW Maxwell
Journal of Marriage and the Family, 431-440, 1990
Shadowed by war: Building community capacity to support military families
AJ Huebner, JA Mancini, GL Bowen, DK Orthner
Family Relations 58 (2), 216-228, 2009
Sustaining community‐based programs for families: conceptualization and measurement
JA Mancini, LI Marek
Family Relations 53 (4), 339-347, 2004
Shaping structured out-of-school time use among youth: The effects of self, family, and friend systems
AJ Huebner, JA Mancini
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 32, 453-463, 2003
Promoting the Adaptation of Military Families: An Empirical Test of a Community Practice Model*
GL Bowen, JA Mancini, JA Martin, WB Ware, JP Nelson
Family Relations 52 (1), 33-44, 2003
Benefits of Leisure for Family Bonding
DK Orthner
Benefits of Leisure/Venture, 1991
Adjustments among adolescents in military families when a parent is deployed
AJ Huebner, JA Mancini
Final report to the military family research institute and department of …, 2005
Enduring ties: Older adults' parental role and responsibilities
R Blieszner, JA Mancini
Family Relations, 176-180, 1987
Community capacity: Antecedents and consequences
GL Bowen, JA Martin, JA Mancini, JP Nelson
Journal of Community Practice 8 (2), 1-21, 2000
Social provisions in adulthood: Concept and measurement in close relationships
JA Mancini, R Blieszner
Journal of Gerontology 47 (1), P14-P20, 1992
Community social organization: A conceptual linchpin in examining families in the context of communities
JA Mancini, GL Bowen, JA Martin
Family Relations 54 (5), 570-582, 2005
Familias fuertes: Family resilience among Latinos
JM Bermudez, JA Mancini
Handbook of family resilience, 215-227, 2012
Adverse childhood experiences, family functioning, and resilience in military families: A pattern‐based approach
A Oshri, M Lucier‐Greer, CW O'neal, AL Arnold, JA Mancini, JL Ford
Family Relations 64 (1), 44-63, 2015
Adolescent risk behavior patterns: Effects of structured time-use, interpersonal connections, self-system characteristics, and socio-demographic influences
JA Mancini, AJ Huebner
Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal 21, 647-668, 2004
Preventing intimate partner violence: A community capacity approach
JA Mancini, JP Nelson, GL Bowen, JA Martin
Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma 13 (3-4), 203-227, 2006
Effects of health and income on control orientation and life satisfaction among aged public housing residents
JA Mancini
The International Journal of Aging and Human Development 12 (3), 215-220, 1981
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Articles 1–20