Corinne Moss-Racusin
Corinne Moss-Racusin
Professor of Psychology, Skidmore College
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Cited by
Science faculty’s subtle gender biases favor male students
CA Moss-Racusin, JF Dovidio, VL Brescoll, MJ Graham, J Handelsman
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 109 (41), 16474-16479, 2012
Status incongruity and backlash effects: Defending the gender hierarchy motivates prejudice against female leaders
LA Rudman, CA Moss-Racusin, JE Phelan, S Nauts
Journal of experimental social psychology 48 (1), 165-179, 2012
When men break the gender rules: status incongruity and backlash against modest men.
CA Moss-Racusin, JE Phelan, LA Rudman
Psychology of Men & Masculinity 11 (2), 140, 2010
Weight stigmatization and bias reduction: perspectives of overweight and obese adults
RM Puhl, CA Moss-Racusin, MB Schwartz, KD Brownell
Health education research 23 (2), 347-358, 2008
Internalization of weight bias: Implications for binge eating and emotional well‐being
RM Puhl, CA Moss‐Racusin, MB Schwartz
Obesity 15 (1), 19-23, 2007
Competent yet out in the cold: Shifting criteria for hiring reflect backlash toward agentic women
JE Phelan, CA Moss-Racusin, LA Rudman
Psychology of Women Quarterly 32 (4), 406-413, 2008
Disruptions in women's self-promotion: The backlash avoidance model
CA Moss-Racusin, LA Rudman
Psychology of women quarterly 34 (2), 186-202, 2010
Reactions to vanguards: Advances in backlash theory
LA Rudman, CA Moss-Racusin, P Glick, JE Phelan
Advances in experimental social psychology 45, 167-227, 2012
Quality of evidence revealing subtle gender biases in science is in the eye of the beholder
IM Handley, ER Brown, CA Moss-Racusin, JL Smith
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (43), 13201-13206, 2015
Gender differences in work-family guilt in parents of young children
JL Borelli, SK Nelson, LM River, SA Birken, C Moss-Racusin
Sex Roles 76, 356-368, 2017
In some professions, women have become well represented, yet gender bias persists—Perpetuated by those who think it is not happening
CT Begeny, MK Ryan, CA Moss-Racusin, G Ravetz
Science advances 6 (26), eaba7814, 2020
Gender bias produces gender gaps in STEM engagement
CA Moss-Racusin, C Sanzari, N Caluori, H Rabasco
Sex Roles 79 (11), 651-670, 2018
Scientific diversity interventions
CA Moss-Racusin, J van der Toorn, JF Dovidio, VL Brescoll, MJ Graham, ...
Science 343 (6171), 615-616, 2014
When do we confront? Perceptions of costs and benefits predict confronting discrimination on behalf of the self and others
JJ Good, CA Moss-Racusin, DT Sanchez
Psychology of Women Quarterly 36 (2), 210-226, 2012
Can evidence impact attitudes? Public reactions to evidence of gender bias in STEM fields
CA Moss-Racusin, AK Molenda, CR Cramer
Psychology of Women Quarterly 39 (2), 194-209, 2015
Engaging men in gender initiatives: What change agents need to know
J Prime, CA Moss-Racusin
Catalyst, 2009
Reactions to gender egalitarian men: Perceived feminization due to stigma-by-association
LA Rudman, K Mescher, CA Moss-Racusin
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 16 (5), 572-599, 2013
Addressing unintended consequences of gender diversity interventions on women’s sense of belonging in STEM
ES Pietri, EP Hennes, JF Dovidio, VL Brescoll, AH Bailey, ...
Sex Roles 80, 527-547, 2019
Bringing work home: Gender and parenting correlates of work-family guilt among parents of toddlers
JL Borelli, SK Nelson-Coffey, LM River, SA Birken, C Moss-Racusin
Journal of Child and Family Studies 26, 1734-1745, 2017
A “scientific diversity” intervention to reduce gender bias in a sample of life scientists
CA Moss-Racusin, J van der Toorn, JF Dovidio, VL Brescoll, MJ Graham, ...
CBE—Life Sciences Education 15 (3), ar29, 2016
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Articles 1–20