Jinbao Zhang
Jinbao Zhang
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Using deep learning to examine street view green and blue spaces and their associations with geriatric depression in Beijing, China
M Helbich, Y Yao, Y Liu, J Zhang, P Liu, R Wang
Environment international 126, 107-117, 2019
Sensing spatial distribution of urban land use by integrating points-of-interest and Google Word2Vec model
Y Yao, X Li, X Liu, P Liu, Z Liang, J Zhang, K Mai
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 31 (4), 825-848, 2017
Classifying urban land use by integrating remote sensing and social media data
X Liu, J He, Y Yao, J Zhang, H Liang, H Wang, Y Hong
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 31 (8), 1675-1696, 2017
A human-machine adversarial scoring framework for urban perception assessment using street-view images
Y Yao, Z Liang, Z Yuan, P Liu, Y Bie, J Zhang, R Wang, J Wang, Q Guan
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 33 (12), 2363-2384, 2019
Urban greenery and mental wellbeing in adults: Cross-sectional mediation analyses on multiple pathways across different greenery measures
R Wang, M Helbich, Y Yao, J Zhang, P Liu, Y Yuan, Y Liu
Environmental Research, 108535, 2019
Mapping fine-scale population distributions at the building level by integrating multisource geospatial big data
Y Yao, X Liu, X Li, J Zhang, Z Liang, K Mai, Y Zhang
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 31 (6), 1220-1244, 2017
The relationship between visual enclosure for neighbourhood street walkability and elders’ mental health in China: using street view images
R Wang, Y Lu, J Zhang, P Liu, Y Yao, Y Liu
Journal of Transport & Health 13, 90-102, 2019
Perceptions of built environment and health outcomes for older Chinese in Beijing: A big data approach with street view images and deep learning technique
R Wang, Y Liu, Y Lu, J Zhang, P Liu, Y Yao, G Grekousis
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 78, 101386, 2019
Residential greenness, air pollution and psychological well-being among urban residents in Guangzhou, China
R Wang, B Yang, Y Yao, MS Bloom, Z Feng, Y Yuan, J Zhang, P Liu, ...
Science of The Total Environment, 134843, 2019
Using street view data and machine learning to assess how perception of neighborhood safety influences urban residents’ mental health
R Wang, Y Yuan, Y Liu, J Zhang, P Liu, Y Lu, Y Yao
Health & place 59, 102186, 2019
Mining transition rules of cellular automata for simulating urban expansion by using the deep learning techniques
J He, X Li, Y Yao, Y Hong, Z Jinbao
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 32 (10), 2076-2097, 2018
The linkage between the perception of neighbourhood and physical activity in Guangzhou, China: using street view imagery with deep learning techniques
R Wang, Y Liu, Y Lu, Y Yuan, J Zhang, P Liu, Y Yao
International journal of health geographics 18 (1), 18, 2019
Mapping fine‐scale urban housing prices by fusing remotely sensed imagery and social media data
Y Yao, J Zhang, Y Hong, H Liang, J He
Transactions in GIS 22 (2), 561-581, 2018
The Traj2Vec model to quantify residents’ spatial trajectories and estimate the proportions of urban land-use types
J Zhang, X Li, Y Yao, Y Hong, J He, Z Jiang, J Sun
International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 1-19, 2020
The longitudinal relationship between exposure to air pollution and depression in older adults
R Wang, B Yang, P Liu, J Zhang, Y Liu, Y Yao, Y Lu
International journal of geriatric psychiatry 35 (6), 610-616, 2020
Accurate estimation of the proportion of mixed land use at the street-block level by integrating high spatial resolution images and geospatial big data
J He, X Li, P Liu, X Wu, J Zhang, D Zhang, X Liu, Y Yao
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 59 (8), 6357-6370, 2020
基于随机森林 CA 的东莞市多类土地利用变化模拟
张大川, 刘小平, 姚尧, 张金宝
地理与地理信息科学 32 (5), 29-36, 2016
姚尧, 张亚涛, 关庆锋, 麦可, 张金宝
武汉大学学报● 信息科学版 44 (6), 875-884, 2019
Deep-learning generation of POI data with scene images
J Zhang, X Liu, W Liao, X Li
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 188, 201-219, 2022
刘鹏华, 刘小平, 姚尧, 张金宝, 何执兼, 洪晔
地理与地理信息科学 34 (4), 74-82, 2018
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