Jennifer Lorraine Stewart
Jennifer Lorraine Stewart
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Assessing and conceptualizing frontal EEG asymmetry: An updated primer on recording, processing, analyzing, and interpreting frontal alpha asymmetry
EE Smith, SJ Reznik, JL Stewart, JJB Allen
International Journal of Psychophysiology 111, 98-114, 2017
Interoception and drug addiction
MP Paulus, JL Stewart
Neuropharmacology 76, 342-350, 2014
Resting frontal EEG asymmetry as an endophenotype for depression risk: sex-specific patterns of frontal brain asymmetry.
JL Stewart, AW Bismark, DN Towers, JA Coan, JJB Allen
Journal of abnormal psychology 119 (3), 502, 2010
Emotion-modulated performance and activity in left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.
JD Herrington, A Mohanty, NS Koven, JE Fisher, JL Stewart, MT Banich, ...
Emotion 5 (2), 200, 2005
The time course of activity in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and anterior cingulate cortex during top-down attentional control
RL Silton, W Heller, DN Towers, AS Engels, JM Spielberg, JC Edgar, ...
Neuroimage 50 (3), 1292-1302, 2010
Time course of attentional bias in anxiety: Emotion and gender specificity
SM Sass, W Heller, JL Stewart, RL Silton, JC Edgar, JE Fisher, GA Miller
Psychophysiology 47 (2), 247-259, 2010
Neurobiology, clinical presentation, and treatment of methamphetamine use disorder: a review
MP Paulus, JL Stewart
JAMA psychiatry 77 (9), 959-966, 2020
Resting and task‐elicited prefrontal EEG alpha asymmetry in depression: Support for the capability model
JL Stewart, JA Coan, DN Towers, JJB Allen
Psychophysiology 51 (5), 446-455, 2014
Prefrontal cortex, emotion, and approach/withdrawal motivation
JM Spielberg, JL Stewart, RL Levin, GA Miller, W Heller
Social and personality psychology compass 2 (1), 135-153, 2008
Frontal EEG asymmetry during emotional challenge differentiates individuals with and without lifetime major depressive disorder
JL Stewart, JA Coan, DN Towers, JJB Allen
Journal of affective disorders 129 (1-3), 167-174, 2011
A Bayesian computational model reveals a failure to adapt interoceptive precision estimates across depression, anxiety, eating, and substance use disorders
R Smith, R Kuplicki, J Feinstein, KL Forthman, JL Stewart, MP Paulus, ...
PLoS computational biology 16 (12), e1008484, 2020
When the brain does not adequately feel the body: Links between low resilience and interoception
L Haase, JL Stewart, B Youssef, AC May, S Isakovic, AN Simmons, ...
Biological psychology 113, 37-45, 2016
The oft‐neglected role of parietal EEG asymmetry and risk for major depressive disorder
JL Stewart, DN Towers, JA Coan, JJB Allen
Psychophysiology 48 (1), 82-95, 2011
Attentional bias to negative emotion as a function of approach and withdrawal anger styles: an ERP investigation
JL Stewart, RL Silton, SM Sass, JE Fisher, JC Edgar, W Heller, GA Miller
International Journal of Psychophysiology 76 (1), 9-18, 2010
Depression and anxious apprehension distinguish frontocingulate cortical activity during top-down attentional control.
RL Silton, W Heller, AS Engels, DN Towers, JM Spielberg, JC Edgar, ...
Journal of Abnormal Psychology 120 (2), 272, 2011
Time course of processing emotional stimuli as a function of perceived emotional intelligence, anxiety, and depression.
JE Fisher, SM Sass, W Heller, RL Silton, JC Edgar, JL Stewart, GA Miller
Emotion 10 (4), 486, 2010
Mapping sign-tracking and goal-tracking onto human behaviors
JM Colaizzi, SB Flagel, MA Joyner, AN Gearhardt, JL Stewart, MP Paulus
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 111, 84-94, 2020
The impact of COVID-19 on adolescent mental health: preliminary findings from a longitudinal sample of healthy and at-risk adolescents
ZP Cohen, KT Cosgrove, DC DeVille, E Akeman, MK Singh, E White, ...
Frontiers in pediatrics 9, 622608, 2021
Altered cingulate and insular cortex activation during risk‐taking in methamphetamine dependence: losses lose impact
JL Gowin, JL Stewart, AC May, TM Ball, M Wittmann, SF Tapert, ...
Addiction 109 (2), 237-247, 2014
Anger style, psychopathology, and regional brain activity.
JL Stewart, R Levin-Silton, SM Sass, W Heller, GA Miller
Emotion 8 (5), 701, 2008
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Articles 1–20